Munin (2.0)
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snmp__uptime - Munin plugin to retrieve uptime information from a SNMP device.

Applicable Systems

Uptime should be supported by all SNMP devices that support SNMPv2 and up (If I have understood the MIBs rightly :-)


As a rule SNMP plugins need site specific configuration. The default configuration (shown here) will only work on insecure sites/devices.

     env.version 2 public

In general SNMP is not very secure at all unless you use SNMP version 3 which supports authentication and privacy (encryption). But in any case the community string for your devices should not be “public”.

Please see ‘perldoc Munin::Plugin::SNMP’ for further configuration information.


The plugin reports how long the device has been up. This is not the same as uptime in percent as used in SLAs.

Actually, this isn’t entirely true. It reports the uptime of the SNMP agent. For “embedded” devices such as switches or printers, this will be the same as uptime, but this may not always be the case for servers. (For instance, it would be less if an administrator had manually restarted the SNMP daemon/service.)

The day and week graphs for uptime are not very interesting - the year, and perhaps the month graphs are more interesting. The year graphs average number will show your devices average uptime the last year (actually 400 days).

Mib Information

This plugin requires support for the DISMAN-EVENT-MIB authored by the IETF Distributed Management Working Group. It reports the contents of the sysUpTimeInstance OID.

Magic Markers

#%# family=snmpauto
#%# capabilities=snmpconf


None known.


Copyright (C) 2000-2009 by various authors

Original Nagios plugin: Sébastien Barbereau

Copyright (C) 2006 Andreas Schuldei

Copyright (C) 2008 Nicolai Langfeldt


GPLv2 or (at your option) any later version.

#!@@PERL@@ -w
# -*- cperl -*-
# vim: ft=perl

=head1 NAME

snmp__uptime - Munin plugin to retrieve uptime information from a SNMP


Uptime should be supported by all SNMP devices that support SNMPv2 and
up (If I have understood the MIBs rightly :-)


As a rule SNMP plugins need site specific configuration.  The default
configuration (shown here) will only work on insecure sites/devices.

        env.version 2 public

In general SNMP is not very secure at all unless you use SNMP version
3 which supports authentication and privacy (encryption).  But in any
case the community string for your devices should not be "public".

Please see 'perldoc Munin::Plugin::SNMP' for further configuration


The plugin reports how long the device has been up.  This is not the
same as uptime in percent as used in SLAs.

Actually, this isn't entirely true.  It reports the uptime of the
SNMP agent.  For "embedded" devices such as switches or printers, this
will be the same as uptime, but this may not always be the case for
servers.  (For instance, it would be less if an administrator had manually
restarted the SNMP daemon/service.)

The day and week graphs for uptime are not very interesting - the
year, and perhaps the month graphs are more interesting.  The year
graphs average number will show your devices average uptime the last
year (actually 400 days).


This plugin requires support for the DISMAN-EVENT-MIB authored by the
IETF Distributed Management Working Group.  It reports the
contents of the sysUpTimeInstance OID.


  #%# family=snmpauto
  #%# capabilities=snmpconf

=head1 BUGS

None known.

=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright (C) 2000-2009 by various authors

Original Nagios plugin: Sébastien Barbereau

Copyright (C) 2006 Andreas Schuldei

Copyright (C) 2008 Nicolai Langfeldt

=head1 LICENSE

GPLv2 or (at your option) any later version.


use strict;
use Munin::Plugin::SNMP;

if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "snmpconf") {
        print "require [0-9]\n"; # Number
        exit 0;

if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") {
    my ($host) = Munin::Plugin::SNMP->config_session();
        print "host_name $host\n" unless $host eq 'localhost';
        print "graph_title System Uptime
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel uptime in days
graph_category system
graph_info This graph shows the number of days that the the host is up and running so far.
uptime.label uptime The system uptime itself in days.
uptime.draw AREA
        exit 0;

my $session = Munin::Plugin::SNMP->session(-translate =>
                                           [ -timeticks => 0x0 ]);

my $uptime = $session->get_single (".") || 'U';

print "Retrived uptime is '$uptime'\n" if $Munin::Plugin::SNMP::DEBUG;

if ($uptime ne 'U') {
    $uptime /= 8640000;

print "uptime.value ", $uptime, "\n";