- Repository
- Munin (2.0)
- Last change
- 2018-08-17
- Graph Categories
- Family
- manual
- Keywords
- Language
- Perl
Sadly there is no documentation for this plugin.
#!@@PERL@@ -w
# Wildcard-script to monitor network interfaces. To monitor an
# interface, link vlan_<interface> to this file. E.g.
# ln .vlan_inetuse_ vlan_inetuse_eth1-200
# ...will monitor eth1.200 <=> eth0
# The interface must also have an accounting iptables rules defined, _before_
# any action rules. E.g., in /etc/network/vlan-firewall.d/eth1-200-out, you
# will find:
# --out-interface eth0 -p tcp --sport http
# --out-interface eth0 -p tcp --sport smtp
# --out-interface eth0 -p tcp --sport ssh
# --out-interface eth0 -p tcp --sport domain
# --out-interface eth0 -p tcp
# --out-interface eth0 -p icmp
# --out-interface eth0 -p udp --sport domain
# --out-interface eth0 -p udp
# --out-interface eth0
# ...which will make the out-traffic graphable, separated into the categories
# mentioned above. (Both in and out-files must have such rules. Look at the
# existing for examples.
#%# family=manual
use strict;
my $INTERFACE=`basename $0 | sed 's/^vlan_inetuse_//g' | tr '_' '-'` ;
#my $INTERFACE="eth1-200";
my %contraries = ("dpt" => "spt", "spt" => "dpt");
my %in_octets = ();
my %out_octets = ();
open (IN, "/sbin/iptables -v -x -w -L $INTERFACE-in |") or
die "Could not run iptables: $!\n";
while (<IN>)
if (/^\s*\d+\s+(\d+) +([a-z]+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+(?:\s+|)(.+|)$/)
my ($octets, $proto, $comment) = ($1, $2, $3);
chop $comment;
$in_octets{$proto}{$comment} = $octets;
close IN;
die "Error running iptables. Dying\n" if $?;
open (IN, "/sbin/iptables -v -x -w -L $INTERFACE-out |") or
die "Could not run iptables: $!\n";
while (<IN>)
if (/^\s*\d+\s+(\d+) +([a-z]+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+(?:\s+|)(.+|)$/)
my ($octets, $proto, $comment) = ($1, $2, $3);
chop $comment;
$out_octets{$proto}{$comment} = $octets;
if (!exists $in_octets{$proto}{&contrary($comment)})
$in_octets{$proto}{&contrary($comment)} = "U";
close IN;
die "Error running iptables. Dying\n" if $?;
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config")
my @in_fields;
my @out_fields;
my @out;
foreach my $proto (sort keys %in_octets)
my $in_subtotal = 0;
my $out_subtotal = 0;
my $counter = 0;
next if $proto eq "all";
foreach my $comment (sort keys %{$in_octets{$proto}})
my $in = "in_" . &field($comment);
my $out = "out_" . &field(&contrary($comment));
my $label = $comment;
$label =~ s/:/=/g;
if (! $comment)
$in = "in_" . $proto . "_other";
$out = "out_" . $proto . "_other";
$label = "$proto other";
if (@in_fields)
push (@out , "$in.draw STACK\n");
push (@out , "$in.draw AREA\n");
push (@in_fields, "$in");
push (@out , "$in.label $label\n");
push (@out , "$in.cdef $in,8,*\n");
push (@out , "$in.graph no\n");
push (@out , "$in.type DERIVE\n");
push (@out , "$in.min 0\n");
if (@out_fields)
push (@out , "$out.draw STACK\n");
push (@out , "$out.draw AREA\n");
push (@out_fields, "$out");
push (@out , "$out.label $label\n");
push (@out , "$out.cdef $out,8,*\n");
push (@out , "$out.negative $in\n");
push (@out , "$out.type DERIVE\n");
push (@out , "$out.min 0\n");
if (@in_fields)
push (@out , "in_other.draw STACK\n");
push (@out , "in_other.draw AREA\n");
push (@in_fields, "in_other");
push (@out , "in_other.label other\n");
push (@out , "in_other.cdef in_other,8,*\n");
push (@out , "in_other.graph no\n");
push (@out , "in_other.type DERIVE\n");
push (@out , "in_other.min 0\n");
if (@out_fields)
push (@out , "out_other.draw STACK\n");
push (@out , "out_other.draw AREA\n");
push (@out_fields, "out_other");
push (@out , "out_other.label other\n");
push (@out , "out_other.cdef out_other,8,*\n");
push (@out , "out_other.negative in_other\n");
push (@out , "out_other.type DERIVE\n");
push (@out , "out_other.min 0\n");
print "graph_order ", join (' ', @in_fields, @out_fields), "\n";
print "graph_title VLAN $INTERFACE internet usage\n";
print "graph_total total\n";
print "graph_args --base 1000\n";
print "graph_vlabel bits per \${graph_period} in (-) / out (+)\n";
print "graph_category network\n";
print @out;
exit 0;
my $in_total = 0;
my $out_total = 0;
foreach my $proto (sort keys %in_octets)
my $in_subtotal = 0;
my $out_subtotal = 0;
my $counter = 0;
next if $proto eq "all";
foreach my $comment (sort keys %{$in_octets{$proto}})
if (! $comment)
$in_subtotal = $in_octets{$proto}{$comment}
unless $in_octets{$proto}{$comment} eq "U";
$in_total -= $in_subtotal
unless $in_octets{$proto}{$comment} eq "U";
$out_subtotal = $out_octets{$proto}{&contrary($comment)}
unless $out_octets{$proto}{&contrary($comment)} eq "U";
$out_total -= $out_subtotal
unless $out_octets{$proto}{&contrary($comment)} eq "U";
print "in_", &field($comment), ".value ", $in_octets{$proto}{$comment}, "\n";
if (exists $out_octets{$proto}{&contrary($comment)})
print "out_", &field(&contrary($comment)), ".value ", $out_octets{$proto}{&contrary($comment)}, "\n";
print "out_", &field(&contrary($comment)), ".value U\n";
$in_subtotal -= $in_octets{$proto}{$comment}
unless $in_octets{$proto}{$comment} eq "U";
$out_subtotal -= $out_octets{$proto}{&contrary($comment)}
unless $out_octets{$proto}{&contrary($comment)} eq "U";
print "in_", $proto, "_other.value $in_subtotal\n";
print "out_", $proto, "_other.value $out_subtotal\n";
if (exists $in_octets{"all"}{""})
print "in_other.value ", ($in_octets{"all"}{""}+$in_total), "\n";
if (exists $out_octets{"all"}{""})
print "out_other.value ", ($out_octets{"all"}{""}+$out_total), "\n";
sub contrary
my $string = shift;
foreach my $key (keys %contraries)
last if ($string =~ s/(\b)$key(\b)/$1$contraries{$key}$2/g);
return $string;
sub field
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/[: ]/_/g;
return $string;
# vim:syntax=perl