- Repository
- Munin (contrib)
- Last change
- 2020-09-07
- Graph Categories
- Family
- power
- Capabilities
- Keywords
- Language
- Perl
- License
- GPL-2.0-only
- Authors
acpi_batt_ - monitor the (note|net)book battery states through procfs
Applicable Systems
Notebooks and netbooks with available /proc/acpi/battery
The name of the plugin (or its symbolic link) determines the retrieved data.
- acpi_batt_X_capacity: chart of Design capacity, Last full capacity, Design capacity low, Design capacity warning, Capacity granularity 1, Capacity granularity 2, Remaining capacity, Present rate (mA)
- acpi_batt_X_percents: percentage chart of Current voltage, Current capacity, Full capacity (of design)
- acpi_batt_X_voltage: chart of Design voltage, Present voltage
Where X is the number of battery from /proc/acpi/battery/BATX
The plugin shows:
- Design capacity
- Last full capacity
- Design capacity low
- Design capacity warning
- Capacity granularity 1
- Capacity granularity 2
- Remaining capacity
- Present rate (mA)
- Percentage Current/design voltage
- Percentage Full/current capacity
- Percentage Design/full capacity
- Design voltage
- Present voltage
Magic Markers
#%# family=power
None known.
Gorlow Maxim sheridan@sheridan-home.ru
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME
acpi_batt_ - monitor the (note|net)book battery states through procfs
Notebooks and netbooks with available /proc/acpi/battery
The name of the plugin (or its symbolic link) determines the retrieved data.
=item acpi_batt_X_capacity: chart of Design capacity, Last full capacity, Design capacity low, Design capacity warning, Capacity granularity 1, Capacity granularity 2, Remaining capacity, Present rate (mA)
=item acpi_batt_X_percents: percentage chart of Current voltage, Current capacity, Full capacity (of design)
=item acpi_batt_X_voltage: chart of Design voltage, Present voltage
Where X is the number of battery from /proc/acpi/battery/BATX
The plugin shows:
=item Design capacity
=item Last full capacity
=item Design capacity low
=item Design capacity warning
=item Capacity granularity 1
=item Capacity granularity 2
=item Remaining capacity
=item Present rate (mA)
=item Percentage Current/design voltage
=item Percentage Full/current capacity
=item Percentage Design/full capacity
=item Design voltage
=item Present voltage
#%# family=power
=head1 BUGS
None known.
=head1 AUTHOR
Gorlow Maxim <sheridan@sheridan-home.ru>
=head1 LICENSE
use strict;
#use Data::Dumper;
my ($graph_type, $batt_num);
if ($0 =~ /^(?:|.*\/)acpi_batt_([^_]+)_(.+)$/)
$graph_type = $2;
$batt_num = $1;
elsif (!defined($batt_num) or !defined($graph_type)) {
die "# Error: couldn't understand what I'm supposed to monitor."; }
#print "$batt_num, $graph_type \n";
sub trim
for ($string)
return $string;
sub read_data
my $file = $_[0];
my ($fh, $var, $val);
my @tmp;
my $result = {};
open($fh, '<', "/proc/acpi/battery/BAT${batt_num}/${file}") or die $!;
foreach my $line (<$fh>)
chomp ($line);
($var, $val) = split(':', $line);
if ( $val =~ m/^\s*$/ )
$val = "unknown";
elsif ( $var ne "battery type" or $var ne "serial number" or $var ne "OEM info" )
@tmp = split(" " ,$val);
$val = trim($tmp[0]);
$result->{$var} = $val;
#print "$var, -$val- \n";
return $result;
my $batt_data = {};
$batt_data->{'info'} = read_data("info" );
$batt_data->{'state'} = read_data("state");
#print Dumper($batt_data);
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config")
my $batt_name = sprintf("%s %s %s", $batt_data->{'info'}{'OEM info'}, $batt_data->{'info'}{'battery type'}, $batt_data->{'info'}{'model number'});
print ("graph_args --base 1000\n");
printf ("graph_title Battery %d (%s) %s\n" , $batt_num, $batt_name, $graph_type);
printf ("graph_info This graph shows battery %d (%s) %s\n" , $batt_num, $batt_name, $graph_type);
print ("graph_category sensors\n");
if ($graph_type eq "capacity")
print ("graph_vlabel Capacity, mAh\n");
print ("dc.label Design capacity\ndc.type GAUGE\ndc.draw AREA\n");
print ("lfc.label Last full capacity\nlfc.type GAUGE\nlfc.draw AREA\n");
print ("dcl.label Design capacity low\ndcl.type GAUGE\ndcl.draw LINE2\n");
print ("dcw.label Design capacity warning\ndcw.type GAUGE\ndcw.draw LINE2\n");
print ("cg1.label Capacity granularity 1\ncg1.type GAUGE\ncg1.draw LINE2\n");
print ("cg2.label Capacity granularity 2\ncg2.type GAUGE\ncg2.draw LINE2\n");
print ("rc.label Remaining capacity\nrc.type GAUGE\nrc.draw LINE2\n");
print ("pr.label Present rate (mA)\npr.type GAUGE\npr.draw LINE2\n");
elsif ($graph_type eq "voltage")
print ("graph_vlabel Voltage, mV\n");
print ("d.label Design voltage\nd.type GAUGE\nd.draw AREA\n");
print ("p.label Present voltage\np.type GAUGE\np.draw AREA\n");
elsif ($graph_type eq "percents")
print ("graph_vlabel %\n");
print ("cv.label Current voltage\ncv.type GAUGE\ncv.draw LINE2\n");
print ("cc.label Current capacity\ncc.type GAUGE\ncc.draw LINE2\n");
print ("fc.label Full capacity (of design)\nfc.type GAUGE\nfc.draw LINE2\n");
exit 0;
sub percent
my ($full, $current) = @_[0..1];
return $current/($full/100);
if ($graph_type eq "capacity")
printf ("dc.value %d\n", $batt_data->{'info'}{'design capacity'});
printf ("lfc.value %d\n", $batt_data->{'info'}{'last full capacity'});
printf ("dcl.value %d\n", $batt_data->{'info'}{'design capacity low'});
printf ("dcw.value %d\n", $batt_data->{'info'}{'design capacity warning'});
printf ("cg1.value %d\n", $batt_data->{'info'}{'capacity granularity 1'});
printf ("cg2.value %d\n", $batt_data->{'info'}{'capacity granularity 2'});
printf ("rc.value %d\n", $batt_data->{'state'}{'remaining capacity'});
printf ("pr.value %d\n", $batt_data->{'state'}{'present rate'});
elsif ($graph_type eq "voltage")
printf ("d.value %d\n", $batt_data->{'info'}{'design voltage'});
printf ("p.value %d\n", $batt_data->{'state'}{'present voltage'});
elsif ($graph_type eq "percents")
printf ("cv.value %d\n", percent($batt_data->{'info'}{'design voltage'},$batt_data->{'state'}{'present voltage'}));
printf ("cc.value %d\n", percent($batt_data->{'info'}{'design capacity'},$batt_data->{'state'}{'remaining capacity'}));
printf ("fc.value %d\n", percent($batt_data->{'info'}{'design capacity'},$batt_data->{'info'}{'last full capacity'}));