Munin (contrib)
Last change
Graph Categories


Sadly there is no documentation for this plugin.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Plugin to monitor apcupsd via apcaccess
# Version 1.3
# Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Behan Webster <behanw AT websterwood DOT com>
# Licensed under GPL 2.0
# Written by: Behan Webster <behanw AT websterwood DOT com>
# German translation by: Bianco Veigel <bianco.veigel AT zivillian DOT de>
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf

use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw(%attrs %data %num);

my $apcaccess='/sbin/apcaccess';
my $config='/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/apcupsd_ww';

my $language = $ENV{LANG} || 'en';

# Example apcaccess output
# KEY      : VALUE
# UPSNAME  : Elfhild
# LINEV    : 123.5 Volts
# LOADPCT  :  24.9 Percent Load Capacity
# BCHARGE  : 100.0 Percent
# TIMELEFT :  63.0 Minutes
# OUTPUTV  : 123.5 Volts
# ITEMP    : 39.1 C Internal
# BATTV    : 54.5 Volts
# NOMOUTV  : 115 Volts
# NOMBATTV :  48.0 Volts

# Possible values to graph in munin
# Only the ones which are available will be graphed
%attrs = (
#		name => 'attribute_name',
#		label => {
#			en => 'English title',
#                       de => 'Titel in Deutsch',
#			fr => 'titre en Francais',
#		},
#		type => 'name_of_functio_for_type', # Default is 'num'
#		# Can use one value, or list of values. If the first value can't be used, try the next.
#		#   KEY          Key from apcaccess
#		#   num,num,num  Specify a list of possible nominal values to guess from
#		#   num          Specify fixed nominal value
#		nominal => [ 'KEY', '100' ],
#		#   KEY          Key from apcaccess
#		#   +-num%       Calculate percentage min:max from nominal value
#		#   +-num        Calculate min:max from nominal value
#		#   -num:+num    Calculate min:max from nominal value
#		#   num:num      Specify fixed min:max values
#		#   num or :num  Specify fixed max value
#		#   num:         Specify fixed min value
#		warning => [ 'KEY:KEY', '+-10%', '-10:+15' ],
#		critical => [ 'KEY:KEY', '+-10%', '-10:+15' ],
#	},
	BCHARGE	=> {	# BCHARGE  : 100.0 Percent
		name => 'battery',
		label => {
			en => 'Percent battery charge',
			de => 'Batterieladung in Prozent',
		warning  => '33:',	# %
		critical => '5:',	# %
	LOADPCT => {	 # LOADPCT  :  28.6 Percent Load Capacity
		name => 'upsload',
		label => {
			en => 'Percent load capacity',
			de => 'Auslastung in Prozent',
		warning  => '75',	# %
		critical => '90',	# %
	TIMELEFT => {	# TIMELEFT :  17.0 Minutes
		name => 'timeleft',
		label => {
			en => 'Minutes of run time',
			de => 'Akkulaufzeit in Minuten',
		warning  => '5:',	# mins
		critical => [ 'DLOWBATT:', '2:' ],	# DLOWBATT : 02 Minutes
	LINEV => {	# LINEV    : 121.5 Volts
		name => 'linevolts',
		label => {
			en => 'Line voltage',
			de => 'Eingangsspannung',
		nominal => [ 'NOMINV', 'NOMOUTV', '115,230' ], # NA=115V, Europe=230V
		warning  => [ '+-10%', '108:128' ],
		critical => [ 'LOTRANS:HITRANS', '+-15%', '104:132' ],
	BATTV => {	# BATTV    : 27.7 Volts
		name => 'batteryvolts',
		label => {
			en => 'Battery voltage',
			de => 'Batteriespannung',
		nominal => [ 'NOMBATTV', '12,24,48' ],	# NOMBATTV :  48.0 Volts
		warning =>  '-5%:+15%',
		critical => '-10%:+25%',
	OUTPUTV => {	# OUTPUTV  : 122.2 Volts
		name => 'outputvolts',
		label => {
			en => 'Output voltage',
			de => 'Ausgangsspannung',
		nominal => [ 'NOMOUTV',	'115,230' ], # NOMOUTV  : 115 Volts
		warning =>  [ '+-10%', '108:128' ],
		critical => [ 'LOTRANS:HITRANS', '+-15%', '104:132' ],
	ITEMP => {	# ITEMP    : 44.1 C Internal
		name => 'temperature',
		label => {
			en => 'UPS temperature',
			de => 'USV Temperatur',
		warning => 50,	# C
		critical => 60,	# C
		name => 'linefail',
		label => {
			en => 'Line voltage status',
			de => 'Status Eingangsspannung',
		type => 'bool',
		critical => '0:',	# Failed
		name => 'battstat',
		label => {
			en => 'Battery status',
			de => 'Batteriestatus',
		type => 'bool',
		critical => '0:',	# Failed
	MAINS => {	# MAINS    : OK
		name => 'mains',
		label => {
			en => 'Mains status',
			de => 'Status Eingangsspannung',
		type => 'bool',
		critical => '0:',	# Failed
	#	name => 'status',
	#	label => {
	#		en => 'Status',
	#	},
	#	type => 'status',
	#	critical => 0,

# Read config file
# Can be used to override settings in %attrs
if (-f $config) {
	require $config;

# Determine plugin capabilities
if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /autoconf|detect/) {
	if (-x $apcaccess) {
		print "yes\n";
	} else {
		print "no (apcaccess not found)\n";
	exit 0;

# Read info from apcupsd using apcaccess
die "$apcaccess: not found\n" unless -x $apcaccess;
open (APCACCESS, "$apcaccess 2>&1 |") || die "$apcaccess: $!\n";
while (<APCACCESS>) {
	die "$apcaccess: $_\n" if /Error contacting apcupsd/;
	$data{$1} = $2 if /^(\S+?)\s*:\s+(.+?)$/;
	$num{$1} = $2 if /^(\S+?)\s*:\s+([\d.x]+)/;

# Auto-configure plugin
if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'config') {
	if (defined $data{UPSNAME}) {
		print "graph_title $data{UPSNAME} ($data{MODEL})\n";
	} else {
		print "graph_title $data{MODEL}\n";
	#print "graph_vlabel Units\n";
	print "graph_category sensors\n";
	print "graph_info This graph shows information about your APC uninterruptible power supply.\n";

	foreach my $what (sort keys %attrs) {

# Print current values
} else {
	foreach my $what (sort keys %attrs) {
		next unless defined $data{$what};
		my $func = $attrs{$what}{type} || 'num';
		my $value = eval "\&$func('$what')";
		print "$attrs{$what}{name}.value $value\n";

exit 0;

# Print label/title for value
sub label {
	my $what = shift;
	return unless defined $data{$what};

	my $attr = $attrs{$what};

	# Determine language to use for labels
	my $lang = $language;
	$lang =~ s/_.*$// unless defined $attr->{label}{$lang};
	# Failback to english if translation isn't available
	$lang = 'en' unless defined $attr->{label}{$lang};

	print "$attr->{name}.label $attr->{label}{$lang}\n";
	&info($what, 'warning');
	&info($what, 'critical');

# Makes a scalar or array into an array (used in &info)
sub list {
	return (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') ? @{$_[0]} : @_;

# Used to setup warning or critical levels for munin
sub info {
	my $what = shift;
	my $level = shift;	# 'warning' or 'critical'

	my $attr = $attrs{$what};
	return unless defined $attr->{$level};

	# Determine nominal value for info calculation
	my $nom = undef;
	if (defined $attr->{nominal}) {
		for my $n (&list($attr->{nominal})) {
			# Guess list: compare guesses to value of $num{$what}
			if ($n =~ /,/) {
				my $fitness = ~0;
				next unless $num{$what};
				foreach my $possibility (split /[,\s]+/, $n) {
					my $diff = abs($num{$what} - $possibility);
					($nom, $fitness) = ($possibility, $diff) if $fitness >= $diff;

			# Absolute nominal value
			} elsif ($n =~ /^[\d.]+$/) {
				$nom = $n;

			# Lookup nominal value as an APCUPSD key
			} elsif (defined $num{$n}) {
				$nom = $num{$n};

	# Calculate info value for $level
	foreach my $value (&list($attr->{$level})) {
		$value =~ s/([^:]+)/&calc($1,$nom)/eg;
		if ($value =~ /^[\d.:]+$/) {
			print "$attr->{name}.$level $value\n";

# Change warning/critical ranges into numbers for munin
sub calc {
	my $v = shift;
	my $nom = shift;

	return $v if $v =~ /^[\d.]+$/;
	return $num{$v} if defined $num{$v};
	return '' unless defined $nom;
	if ($v =~ /^\+-([\d.]+)%$/) {
		return sprintf "%.0f:%.0f", (100 - $1) * $nom / 100, (100 + $1) * $nom / 100;
	} elsif ($v =~ /^([-+][\d.]+)%$/) {
		return sprintf "%.0f", (100 + $1) * $nom / 100;
	} elsif ($v =~ /^\+-([\d.]+)$/) {
		return sprintf "%d:%d", $nom - $1, $nom + $1;
	} elsif ($v =~ /^([-+][\d.]+)$/) {
		return $nom + $1;
	} elsif ($v =~ /^\*([\d.]+)$/) {
		return $nom * $1;
	} elsif ($v =~ /^\/([\d.]+)$/) {
		return sprintf "%.0f", $nom / $1;
	return '';

# Default "type" routine to display values
sub num {
	my $what = shift;
	return $num{$what};

# "type" routine to change Ok/Not Ok into 1/0
sub bool {
	my $what = shift;
	return $num{$what} eq "OK" ? "1" : "0";

#sub status {
#	my $what = shift;
#	return unless defined $data{$what};
#	print "$attrs{$what}{name}.value ";
#	print $num{$what} eq "ONLINE" ? "1" : "0";
#	print "\n";

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