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auto contrib



currentcost - Munin plugin to monitor a CurrentCost energy monitor

Applicable Systems

Any system connected to a CurrentCost monitor. These can be purchased from


This plugin requires the following Perl modules. Either fetch them from CPAN or your distribution.

  • XML::Simple
  • Device::SerialPort
  • YAML
  • Time::Local

This configuration section shows the defaults of the plugin:

env.device          /dev/ttyUSB0
env.baud            2400
env.tick            6
env.currency        £
env.rate1           13.9
nenv.rate1qty       900
env.rate2           8.2
env.nightrate       0
env.nighthours      23:30-06:30
env.standingcharge  0.0
env.metertype       CC128

The configuration can be broken down into the following subsections:


  • env.device

    Specifies the device node where the CurrentCost monitor can be found. You may find it useful to use a udev rule to symlink this somewhere permanent.

  • env.baud

    Specifies the baud rate to use. CurrentCost devices may speak at 2400, 9600 or 57600 baud, depending on their age.

  • env.tick

    How long, in seconds, to consider data valid for. CurrentCost monitors typically put out data every 6 or 10 seconds. If Munin does a data run less than env.tick seconds after a config run, there’s no need to wait for more data.


  • env.currency

    The currency symbol to use on the cost graph. CurrentCost typically uses “£” or “€”, but you may find “$” more to your taste.

  • env.rate1

    The primary rate in hundredths of a env.currency per kWh. (i.e. pence/cents per kWh)

  • env.rate1qty

    How many kWh per month are charged at env.rate1. Some tariffs charge one rate for the first so many units and then another rate for the remainder. If you are charged a flat rate per unit, set this to 0.

  • env.rate2

    The secondary rate in hundredths of a env.currency per kWh. (i.e. pence/cents per kWh)

  • env.nightrate

    The night rate in hundredths of a env.currency per kWh. Some tariffs (such as Economy 7) charge differently during the night and typically require a meter capable of reading two rates. If you do not have such a tariff, set this to 0.

  • env.nighthours

    The time period for which env.nightrate applies. This should be of the form hh:mm-hh:mm and should span midnight.

  • env.standingcharge

    The standing charge in hundredths of a env.currency per month. If you do not have a standing charge, set this to 0.

  • env.metertype

    The type of the meter. Currently “CC128” and “CC02” are supported.

Magic Markers

#%# family=auto contrib
#%# capabilities=multigraph autoconf


Paul Saunders

Example Input

The device will periodically output a string of XML. The string will be all on one line, they are expanded here for clarity.

Classic Format

As per

       <dsb>00014</dsb>        days since birth
       <hr>14</hr>             the time
       <name>CC02</name>       name of this device
       <id>03280</id>          communication channel for device
       <type>1</type>          hardware version of the device
       <sver>0.07</sver>       software version
       <watts>00080</watts>    value from the first channel clamp
       <watts>00000</watts>    value from the second channel clamp
       <watts>00000</watts>    value from the third channel clamp
   <tmpr>28.8</tmpr>           current temperature (degrees celsius)
           <h02>000.0</h02>    total Kwh used in 2 hour blocks
           <d01>0000</d01>     total Kwh used per day(s)
           <m01>0000</m01>     total Kwh used per month(s)
           <y1>0000000</y1>    total Kwh used per year(s)

Cc128 Format

For full definition, see

<msg>                           start of message
  <src>CC128-v0.11</src>        source and software version
  <dsb>00089</dsb>              days since birth, ie days run
  <time>13:02:39</time>         24 hour clock time as displayed
  <tmpr>18.7</tmpr>             temperature as displayed
  <sensor>1</sensor>            Appliance Number as displayed
  <id>01234</id>                radio ID received from the sensor
  <type>1</type>                sensor Type, "1" = electricity
  <ch1>                         sensor channel
     <watts>00345</watts>       data and units
</msg>                           end of message
# -*- perl -*-

=head1 NAME

=encoding utf8

currentcost - Munin plugin to monitor a CurrentCost energy monitor


Any system connected to a CurrentCost monitor. These can be purchased from L<>.


This plugin requires the following Perl modules. Either fetch them from CPAN or your distribution.


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *



This configuration section shows the defaults of the plugin:

    env.device          /dev/ttyUSB0
    env.baud            2400
    env.tick            6
    env.currency        £
    env.rate1           13.9
    nenv.rate1qty       900
    env.rate2           8.2
    env.nightrate       0
    env.nighthours      23:30-06:30
    env.standingcharge  0.0
    env.metertype       CC128

The configuration can be broken down into the following subsections:

=head2 DEVICE


=item env.device

Specifies the device node where the CurrentCost monitor can be found. You may find it useful to use a udev rule to symlink this somewhere permanent.

=item env.baud

Specifies the baud rate to use. CurrentCost devices may speak at 2400, 9600 or 57600 baud, depending on their age.

=item env.tick

How long, in seconds, to consider data valid for. CurrentCost monitors typically put out data every 6 or 10 seconds. If Munin does a data run less than C<env.tick> seconds after a config run, there's no need to wait for more data.


=head2 COSTS


=item env.currency

The currency symbol to use on the cost graph. CurrentCost typically uses "E<pound>" or "E<euro>", but you may find "$" more to your taste.

=item env.rate1

The primary rate in hundredths of a C<env.currency> per kWh. (i.e. pence/cents per kWh)

=item env.rate1qty

How many kWh per month are charged at C<env.rate1>. Some tariffs charge one rate for the first so many units and then another rate for the remainder. If you are charged a flat rate per unit, set this to 0.

=item env.rate2

The secondary rate in hundredths of a C<env.currency> per kWh. (i.e. pence/cents per kWh)

=item env.nightrate

The night rate in hundredths of a C<env.currency> per kWh. Some tariffs (such as Economy 7) charge differently during the night and typically require a meter capable of reading two rates. If you do not have such a tariff, set this to 0.

=item env.nighthours

The time period for which C<env.nightrate> applies. This should be of the form C<hh:mm-hh:mm> and should span midnight.

=item env.standingcharge

The standing charge in hundredths of a C<env.currency> per month. If you do not have a standing charge, set this to 0.

=item env.metertype

The type of the meter. Currently "CC128" and "CC02" are supported.



 #%# family=auto contrib
 #%# capabilities=multigraph autoconf

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Saunders L<>


use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Munin::Plugin;


my $device_node    = $ENV{device}         || "/dev/ttyUSB0";
my $baud_rate      = $ENV{baud}           || "2400";    # or 9600 or 57600
my $tick_rate      = $ENV{tick}           || "6";
# Tick_Rate is how long to consider data valid for (in seconds)

# Costs
my $currency       = $ENV{currency}       || "£";       # £ or €
my $rate1          = $ENV{rate1}          || "13.9";    # in pence/cents
my $rate1qty       = $ENV{rate1qty}       || "900";     # in kWh, 0 to use fixed rate2
my $rate2          = $ENV{rate2}          || "8.2";     # in pence/cents
my $nightrate      = $ENV{nightrate}      || "0";       # 0 = disabled
my $nighthours     = $ENV{nighthours}     || "23:30-06:30";
my $standingcharge = $ENV{standingcharge} || "0.0";     # pence/cents per month
my $metertype      = $ENV{metertype}      || "CC128";   # or "CC02"

my $MUNIN_DEBUG    = $ENV{MUNIN_DEBUG}    || 0;         # Set by munin-run

my $ret;
if ( !eval "require XML::Simple;" ) {
    $ret .= "Could not load XML::Simple; ";
if ( !eval "require Device::SerialPort;" ) {
    $ret .= "Could not load Device::SerialPort; ";
if ( !eval "require YAML;" ) {
    $ret .= "Could not load YAML; ";
if ( !eval "require Time::Local;" ) {
    $ret .= "Could not load Time::Local; ";

if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf' ) {

    # Shouldn't autoconfigure as there's no reliable way to detect
    # serial devices.
    print "no\n";
    exit 0;

my @lastread;

sub save_data {
    my @savedata = @_;

    # Do we need to save this data?
    if ( !@lastread
        or time >= Time::Local::timelocal(@lastread) + ($tick_rate) )
        print "# Saving Data (Data is "
          . ( time - Time::Local::timelocal(@lastread) )
          . " seconds old)\n"
          if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
        @lastread = localtime(time);

        my @save_vector;
        push @save_vector, YAML::Dump(@lastread);
        foreach ( split /\n/, YAML::Dump(@savedata) ) {
            push @save_vector, $_;

sub load_data {

    # Bring the data back in
    my @save_vector = restore_state();

    # Read the timestamp, Do we need to refresh the data?
    my @lastread = YAML::Load( shift @save_vector );

    my $yamlstr = '';
    foreach (@save_vector) {
        $yamlstr .= "$_\n";
    my @dataarray = YAML::Load($yamlstr);

    if ( !@lastread
        or time >= ( Time::Local::timelocal(@lastread) + ($tick_rate) ) )

        # Data is stale
        print "# Data is stale ("
          . ( time - Time::Local::timelocal(@lastread) )
          . " seconds). Re-reading device\n"
          if $MUNIN_DEBUG;

        eval {

            # Fetch the XML
            my @temparray;
            if ( $metertype eq "CC128" ) {
                @temparray = collect_cc128_data( $device_node, $baud_rate );
            elsif ( $metertype eq "CC02" ) {
                @temparray = collect_cc02_data( $device_node, $baud_rate );
            else {
                die "Unknown meter type $metertype.";

            # Read the time so we know whether to reset
            #  daily/monthly/yearly counters
            my @now = localtime(time);
            my %is_new;
            $is_new{daily}   = ( $now[3] != $lastread[3] ) ? 1 : 0;
            $is_new{monthly} = ( $now[4] != $lastread[4] ) ? 1 : 0;
            $is_new{yearly}  = ( $now[5] != $lastread[5] ) ? 1 : 0;

            for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#temparray ; $i++ ) {
                my $datum = $temparray[$i];
                for ( my $j = 0 ; $j <= $#{ $datum->{data} } ; $j++ ) {
                    for my $period (qw(daily monthly yearly)) {
                        $period = "n$period" if is_night_rate();
                        if ( defined( $dataarray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{$period} ) )

                            # There's old data. Consider incrementing it
                            if ( $is_new{$period} ) {

                                # Start of a new period, reset the counter
                                print "# Start of a new $period period." .
							          " Resetting counter\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
                                $temparray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{$period} = 0;
                            else {
                                $temparray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{$period} =
                                  $dataarray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{$period} +
                                  $temparray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{value} / 12;
                        else {

                            # No old data. Set it.
                            $temparray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{$period} =
                              $temparray[$i]->{data}[$j]->{value} / 12;

            # If the above threw an error, we won't overwrite the old data
            @dataarray = @temparray;

        } or do {
            print $@;
    return @dataarray;

sub is_night_rate {

    # Determine if we're on night rate
    return 0 if not $nightrate;
    my ( $nightstart, $nightstop ) = split /-/, $nighthours;
    my ( $start_h,    $start_m )   = split /:/, $nightstart;
    my ( $stop_h,     $stop_m )    = split /:/, $nightstop;
    my $start_time = $start_m + ( $start_h * 60 );
    my $stop_time  = $stop_m +  ( $stop_h * 60 );
    my @now        = localtime(time);
    my $now_time = $now[1] + ( $now[2] * 60 );

    if (   $now_time >= $start_time
        or $now_time <= $stop_time )
        print "# Night rate is ACTIVE\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
        return 1;
    else {
        print "# Night rate is enabled, but NOT active\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
        return 0;


The device will periodically output a string of XML. The string will be all on one line, they are expanded here for clarity.

=head2 Classic format

As per L<>:

        <dsb>00014</dsb>        days since birth
        <hr>14</hr>             the time
        <name>CC02</name>       name of this device
        <id>03280</id>          communication channel for device
        <type>1</type>          hardware version of the device
        <sver>0.07</sver>       software version
        <watts>00080</watts>    value from the first channel clamp
        <watts>00000</watts>    value from the second channel clamp
        <watts>00000</watts>    value from the third channel clamp
    <tmpr>28.8</tmpr>           current temperature (degrees celsius)
            <h02>000.0</h02>    total Kwh used in 2 hour blocks
            <d01>0000</d01>     total Kwh used per day(s)
            <m01>0000</m01>     total Kwh used per month(s)
            <y1>0000000</y1>    total Kwh used per year(s)

=head2 CC128 format

For full definition, see L<>

 <msg>                           start of message
   <src>CC128-v0.11</src>        source and software version
   <dsb>00089</dsb>              days since birth, ie days run
   <time>13:02:39</time>         24 hour clock time as displayed
   <tmpr>18.7</tmpr>             temperature as displayed
   <sensor>1</sensor>            Appliance Number as displayed
   <id>01234</id>                radio ID received from the sensor
   <type>1</type>                sensor Type, "1" = electricity
   <ch1>                         sensor channel
      <watts>00345</watts>       data and units
 </msg>                           end of message


sub collect_cc128_data {

    # Read data from the serial port until we see a repeated sensor
    my ( $port, $baud ) = @_;

    my $tty = Device::SerialPort->new($port) || die "Can't open $port: $!";
    $tty->baudrate($baud)   || die "Can't set serial baudrate";
    $tty->parity("none")    || die "Can't set serial parity";
    $tty->databits(8)       || die "Can't set serial databits";
    $tty->handshake("none") || die "Can't set serial handshake";
    $tty->write_settings    || die "Can't set serial parameters";

    open( my $ttydev, "<", $port ) || die "Can't open $port: $?";

    my @cc_data_arr;
    my %seen_sensors;

    while (<$ttydev>) {
        print "# Read from device: $_\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
        if (m{(<msg>.*</msg>)}) {
            my $xmlref = XML::Simple::XMLin( $1, KeepRoot => 1 );

            my $sensor = $xmlref->{msg}->{sensor};
            print "# Parsing Sensor $sensor\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
            next unless defined $sensor;
            if ( defined $seen_sensors{$sensor} ) {

                # We've seen this sensor before.
                # Time to stop reading data
                print "# Hello again, Sensor $sensor\n" if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
            $seen_sensors{$sensor} = 1;

            my $temphash;
            $temphash->{sensor} = $sensor;
            $temphash->{temp}   = $xmlref->{msg}->{tmpr};
            my @temparr;
            foreach my $key ( keys %{ $xmlref->{msg} } ) {
                if ( $key =~ /ch(\d+)/ ) {
                    my $channel = $1;
                    my $unit = ( keys %{ $xmlref->{msg}->{"ch$channel"} } )[0];
                    my $val  = $xmlref->{msg}->{"ch$channel"}->{$unit};
                    print "# Channel $channel, Unit $unit, Value $val\n"
                      if $MUNIN_DEBUG;
                    push @temparr,
                        "channel" => $channel,
                        "unit"    => $unit,
                        "value"   => $val
            $temphash->{data} = \@temparr;

            push @cc_data_arr, $temphash;

    return @cc_data_arr;

sub collect_cc02_data {
    # Function supplied by David Edmondson <>

    # Read data from the serial port
    my ( $port, $baud ) = @_;

    my $tty = Device::SerialPort->new($port) || die "Can't open $port: $!";
    $tty->baudrate($baud)   || die "Can't set serial baudrate";
    $tty->parity("none")    || die "Can't set serial parity";
    $tty->databits(8)       || die "Can't set serial databits";
    $tty->handshake("none") || die "Can't set serial handshake";
    $tty->write_settings    || die "Can't set serial parameters";

    open( my $ttydev, "<", $port ) || die "Can't open $port: $?";

    my @cc_data_arr;

    while (<$ttydev>) {
        if (m{(<msg>.*</msg>)}) {
            my $xmlref = XML::Simple::XMLin( $1, KeepRoot => 1 );

            my $temphash;
            $temphash->{sensor} = 0;    # Only one sensor.
            $temphash->{temp}   = $xmlref->{msg}->{tmpr};
            my @temparr;
            foreach my $key ( keys %{ $xmlref->{msg} } ) {
                if ( $key =~ /ch(\d+)/ ) {
                    my $channel = $1;
                    my $unit = ( keys %{ $xmlref->{msg}->{"ch$channel"} } )[0];
                    my $val  = $xmlref->{msg}->{"ch$channel"}->{$unit};
                    push @temparr,
                        "channel" => $channel,
                        "unit"    => $unit,
                        "value"   => $val
            $temphash->{data} = \@temparr;

            push @cc_data_arr, $temphash;


    return @cc_data_arr;

my @cc_data = load_data();

if ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'config' ) {
    if ($ret) {
        print $ret;
        exit 1;

    for my $datum (@cc_data) {
        my $unit = '';
        foreach my $key ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
            if ( $unit eq '' ) {
                $unit = $key->{unit};
            elsif ( $unit != $key->{unit} ) {
                print STDERR
"# Conflicting units ($unit and $key->{unit}) on sensor $datum->{sensor}";

        if ( $datum->{sensor} == 0 ) {

            # Output the Root graph (being sensor 0)
            print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost
graph_title CurrentCost Consumption
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel $unit
graph_category sensors
graph_info This graph shows the 'whole house' data.
            if ( scalar( @{ $datum->{data} } ) > 1 ) {
                print "graph_total Total\n";
            foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
                my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
                print <<EOF;
$fieldname.label Channel $channel->{channel}
$fieldname.type GAUGE
$fieldname.min 0
$fieldname.draw AREA
${fieldname}_t.label Channel $channel->{channel} Trend
${fieldname}_t.type GAUGE
${fieldname}_t.min 0
${fieldname}_t.draw LINE2
                if ($nightrate) {
                    print <<EOF;
${fieldname}_n.label Channel $channel->{channel} Night
${fieldname}_n.type GAUGE
${fieldname}_n.min 0
${fieldname}_t.cdef ${fieldname}_n,UN,${fieldname},${fieldname},IF,3600,TRENDNAN
                else {
                    print "${fieldname}_t.cdef ${fieldname},3600,TRENDNAN\n";

            # Output the Root cumulative graph
            print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost_cumulative
graph_title CurrentCost Total Usage
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel $unit * hours
graph_category sensors
            print "graph_order ";
            my $confstr = '';
            foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
                my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
                print "${fieldname}=currentcost.$fieldname ${fieldname}_d ";
                $confstr .= <<EOF;
${fieldname}.update no
${fieldname}.label Channel $channel->{channel}
${fieldname}.type GAUGE
${fieldname}.min 0
${fieldname}.cdef PREV,${fieldname},12,/,ADDNAN
${fieldname}_d.label Channel $channel->{channel} Daily
${fieldname}_d.type GAUGE
${fieldname}_d.min 0
            print "\n$confstr";
            print <<EOF;
fudge.label (fudge)
fudge.type GAUGE
fudge.graph yes

            # Output the root cost graph
            print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost_cost
graph_title CurrentCost Estimated Cost
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel ${currency}
graph_category sensors
            if ( scalar( @{ $datum->{data} } ) > 1 ) {
                print "graph_total Total\n";
            foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
                my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
                print <<EOF;
$fieldname.label Channel $channel->{channel}
$fieldname.type GAUGE
$fieldname.min 0

        else {

            # Output a subordinate graph (being an appliance)
            my $sensor = $datum->{sensor};
            print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost.appliance$sensor
graph_title CurrentCost Consumption (Appliance $sensor)
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel $unit
graph_category sensors
graph_info This graph shows the data for Appliance $sensor
            if ( scalar( @{ $datum->{data} } ) > 1 ) {
                print "graph_total Total\n";
            foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
                my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
                print <<EOF;
$fieldname.label Channel $channel->{channel}
$fieldname.type GAUGE
$fieldname.min 0
                if ($nightrate) {
                    print <<EOF;
${fieldname}_n.label Channel $channel->{channel} Night
${fieldname}_n.type GAUGE
${fieldname}_n.min 0

            # Output the subordinate cumulative graph
            print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost_cumulative.appliance$sensor
graph_title CurrentCost Total Usage (Appliance $sensor)
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel $unit * hours
graph_category sensors
            print "graph_order ";
            my $confstr = '';
            foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
                my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
                print "$fieldname=currentcost.$fieldname ";
                $confstr .= <<EOF;
$fieldname.label Channel $channel->{channel}
$fieldname.type GAUGE
$fieldname.min 0
$fieldname.cdef PREV,$fieldname,12,/,ADDNAN
            print "\n$confstr";

            # Output the subordinate Cost graph
            print <<EOF;
multigraph currentcost_cost.appliance$sensor
graph CurrentCost Estimated Cost (Appliance $sensor)
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel ${currency}
graph_category sensors
            if ( scalar( @{ $datum->{data} } ) > 1 ) {
                print "graph_total Total\n";
            foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
                my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
                print <<EOF;
$fieldname.label Channel $channel->{channel}
$fieldname.type GAUGE
$fieldname.min 0
    exit 0;

# Output the value data
for my $datum (@cc_data) {
    if ( $datum->{sensor} == 0 ) {

        # Output the Root graph (being sensor 0)
        print "multigraph currentcost\n";
    else {
        my $sensor = $datum->{sensor};
        print "multigraph currentcost.appliance$sensor\n";
    foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
        my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
        if ( is_night_rate() ) {
            print "${fieldname}_n.value " . $channel->{value} . "\n";
            print "${fieldname}.value 0\n";
        else {
            print "${fieldname}.value " . $channel->{value} . "\n";
            print "${fieldname}_n.value 0\n";
    if ( $datum->{sensor} == 0 ) {

        # Output the Root graph (being sensor 0)
        print "multigraph currentcost_cumulative\n";
    else {
        my $sensor = $datum->{sensor};
        print "multigraph currentcost_cumulative.appliance$sensor\n";
    foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
        my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
        my $value     = $channel->{daily};
        $value += $channel->{ndaily} if defined $channel->{ndaily};
        print "${fieldname}_d.value $value\n";
    my @now = localtime(time);
    if ( $now[3] == 1 and $now[2] == 0 and $now[1] <= 5 ) {

        # First reading of month, reset.
        print "fudge.value 0\n";
    else {
        print "fudge.value 1\n";

    if ( $datum->{sensor} == 0 ) {

        # Output the Root Cost graph (being sensor 0)
        print "multigraph currentcost_cost\n";
    else {
        my $sensor = $datum->{sensor};
        print "multigraph currentcost_cost.appliance$sensor\n";
    foreach my $channel ( @{ $datum->{data} } ) {
        my $fieldname = "ch" . $channel->{channel};
        my $kWh       = $channel->{monthly} / 1000;
        my $nightkWh  = $channel->{nmonthly} / 1000
          if defined $channel->{nmonthly};
        my $cost = $standingcharge;
        if ( $nightrate and defined $nightkWh ) {
            $cost = $nightkWh * $nightrate;
        if ( $kWh <= $rate1qty ) {
            $cost += $kWh * $rate1;
        else {
            $cost += ( ( $kWh - $rate1qty ) * $rate2 ) + ( $rate1qty * $rate1 );
        $cost = $cost / 100;    # Convert pence/cents into pounds/euros
        print "$fieldname.value $cost\n";
        my $extinfo = sprintf( "Usage is %.3f kWh.", $kWh );
        $extinfo .= sprintf( " Night usage is %.3f kWh.", $nightkWh )
          if defined $nightkWh;
        print "$fieldname.extinfo $extinfo\n";
exit 0;