Munin (contrib)
Last change
Graph Categories


Sadly there is no documentation for this plugin.

# Script to monitor eaccelerator usage
# This code works only with mod_php or PHP in fastcgi, read here why in Requirements section :
# Parameters understood:
# 	config   (required)
# 	autoconf (optional - used by munin-config)
# Requirements
# - web server with PHP and eaccelerator enabled
# - php file placed on web server , paste there below code (strip hash files first)
#   <?php
#   $error_reporting(E_NONE);
#   // notice keys orders is very important
#   $keys  = array("memorySize"=>0,"memoryAvailable"=>0,"memoryAllocated"=>0,"cachedScripts"=>0,"removedScripts"=>0,"cachedKeys"=>0);
#   if(!function_exists("eaccelerator_info"))
#      $info = $keys;
#   else
#      $info = eaccelerator_info();
#   foreach($keys as $key => $val) echo strtolower($key).".value ".$info[$key]."\n";
#   ?>
# - name that file eaccelerator_status.php, will be easier, file should be at least accessible from the address that runs this script (usually localhost)
#   you can make this file accessible globally, it just displays the memory usage by eaccelerator, that's all.
#   usually you can put it to the /var/www/ (but it depends on the server configuration etc)
# - check if you can see the output of the file, for example if you placed file in the DocumentRoot then it should be available from
#   http://localhost/eaccelerator_status.php
#   if you see the plain text with values then its working ok!
#   if you see the plain text and all values are zero then probably eaccelerator is not enabled.
# - installed wget
# Configuration section
# URL to the script to check eaccelerator status
WGET=`which wget`;
WGET_FLAGS="-Yoff"; # refer to wget manual, you may set extra parameters like disable proxy
# Changelog
# Revision 0.1 Tue 03 Feb 2009 02:16:02 PM CET _KaszpiR_
# - initial release,

# Settings required for autoconf
#%# family=manual
#%# capabilities=autoconf

if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then
	echo no
	exit 0

if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then

	echo 'graph_title Eaccelerator usage '
	echo 'graph_args -l 0'
	echo 'graph_category webserver'
	echo 'graph_info This graph shows performance of the eaccelerator module on WWW server.'

	echo 'memorysize.label total'
	echo 'memorysize.draw AREA'
	echo 'memorysize.min 0'
	echo ' Total memory allocated by eaccelerator.'

	echo 'memoryallocated.label allocated'
	echo 'memoryallocated.draw AREA'
	echo 'memoryallocated.min 0'
#	echo "memoryallocated.warning 92"
#	echo "memoryallocated.critical 98"
	echo ' Memory allocated .'

	echo 'memoryavailable.label available'
	echo 'memoryavailable.min 0'
	echo ' Memory available .'

	echo 'cachedscripts.label cached scripts'
	echo 'cachedscripts.min 0'
	echo ' Scripts cached.'

	echo 'removedscripts.label removed scripts'
	echo 'removedscripts.min 0'
	echo ' Scripts removed.'

	echo 'cachedkeys.label cached keys'
	echo 'cachedkeys.min 0'
	echo ' Scripts removed.'

#	for key in $KEYS_WARN; do
#	echo "$key.warning 92"
#	echo "$key.critical 98"
#	exit 0

# run the script
    if [ -x $WGET ]; then
#            quiet                 output to stdout
	wget -q $WGET_FLAGS "$URL" -O -
	exit 0

exit 0

# end of file