- Repository
- Munin (contrib)
- Last change
- 2020-03-26
- Capabilities
- Keywords
- Language
- Perl
Sadly there is no documentation for this plugin.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
use Data::Dumper;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
$ENV{LANG} = "C";
my $spool_fetch_epoch = (shift || 0);
# Don't reply for too old $spool_fetch_epoch)
# Max 7 days
$spool_fetch_epoch = time - 3600 * 24 * 7 if $spool_fetch_epoch < time - 3600 * 24 * 7;
my $max_epoch = ($ENV{MAX_EPOCH} || 0);
my %fieldset;
my @files = sort glob($ENV{FILES} || "*.tsv*");
FILE: for my $file (@files) {
my $values = {};
my $nb_epochs = 0; my $first_epoch;
# Read file
# Skipping if the file is too old
# (more that one day older than asked)
next if file_mtime($file) < $spool_fetch_epoch - (3600 *24);
print STDERR "opening $file\n" if $ENV{DEBUG};
my $fh = new IO::File( ($file =~ m/\.gz$/) ? "gunzip < $file |" : $file);
next unless $fh;
$_ = <$fh>; chomp;
my @headers = split(/\t/);
# Ignore 3 first fields (Object Name, Epoch & Owner Array Name)
shift @headers; shift @headers; shift @headers;
my $nb_headers = $#headers;
LINE: while(<$fh>) {
my @row = split(/\t/, $_);
my $object_name = shift @row;
my $epoch = shift @row;
my $owner_array_name = shift @row;
# Ignore if too old
next if ($epoch <= $spool_fetch_epoch);
# Don't do too much work : 4h each time is enough
$first_epoch ||= $epoch;
next if $epoch > $first_epoch + 60 * 60 * 4;
# Store Values
for (my $idx = 0; $idx < $nb_headers; $idx ++) {
my $value = $row[$idx];
my $field_name = $headers[$idx];
# Ignore empty values
next unless (defined $value && $value ne "");
# Ignore non numeric values
next unless $value =~ m/^[0-9.]+$/;
# Ignore Optimal/NonOptimal values
next unless ($fieldset{$field_name} || $field_name !~ /[oO]ptimal/);
$fieldset{$field_name} = 1 unless $fieldset{$field_name};
if ($ENV{DEBUG}) {
no warnings;
print "object_name:$object_name, field_name:$field_name, epoch:$epoch, value:$value\n";
$values->{$object_name}->{$field_name} .= "$epoch:$value ";
$nb_epochs ++;
# Don't emit anything if the file didn't contain any useful value
next unless $nb_epochs;
# Restitution MultiGraph
print <<EOF
multigraph san
graph_title Vue globale
graph_order \
cpu_sp_a=san.cpu.sp_a \
my @object_names = keys %$values;
[ grep { /^SP / } @object_names ],
[ grep { /^Bus \d+/ } @object_names ],
# Port
[ grep { /^Port / } @object_names ],
#sub { return $1 if shift =~ m/^(Port \w+)/ },
# Pool
[ grep { /^Pool / } @object_names ],
# LUN Global
print <<EOF
multigraph san.lun
graph_title Luns Global
graph_order \
cpu_sp_a=san.cpu.sp_a \
# LUN Per Host
my %host_seen;
my @hosts = grep { $_ ne "" } grep { ! $host_seen{$_}++ }
map { $1 if /^\w+ \[\d+; (\w+)/ } @object_names;
for my $host (@hosts) {
my $host_field = $host;
$host_field =~ tr/./_/;
[ grep { /^\w+ \[\d+; $host/ } @object_names ],
sub { return $1 if shift =~ m/^(\w+) / },
sub { return $1 if shift =~ m/^(\w+) / },
# Never send more than 1 file
sub gen_multigraph
my ($values, $category, $object_names, $convert_to_label, $convert_to_field) = @_;
# convert_to_label() reverts to identity if not defined
$convert_to_label ||= sub { return $_[0]; };
# convert_to_field() reverts to convert_to_label() if not defined
$convert_to_field ||= $convert_to_label;
# print Dumper($object_names);
# Global Graph
print <<EOF
multigraph san.$category
graph_title $category Global
graph_order \
cpu_sp_a=san.cpu.sp_a \
my @fields = keys %{ $values->{$object_names->[0]} };
for my $field (@fields) {
my $graph_name = hash_field_name($field);
print "multigraph san.$category.$graph_name\n";
print "graph_title $field\n";
for my $object_name (@$object_names) {
my $label = &$convert_to_label($object_name);
my $field_name = hash_field_name(&$convert_to_field($object_name));
print "$field_name.label $label\n";
print "$field_name.info $object_name\n";
for my $value (split(/ /, $values->{$object_name}->{$field})) {
print $field_name , ".value " , $value , "\n";
sub hash_field_name
my $name = shift;
$name = lc($name);
$name =~ s/[^a-z0-9]+/_/g;
$name =~ s/^_//;
$name =~ s/_$//;
return $name;
sub trim
my $line = shift;
$line =~ s/^ +//;
$line =~ s/ +$//;
return $line;
sub file_mtime
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat(shift);
return $mtime;
multigraph san.cpu
graph_title Usage CPU
cpu_sp_a.value $epoch:$cpu_sp_a
cpu_sp_b.value $epoch:$cpu_sp_b
multigraph san.resptime
graph_title Response Time
resp_time_a.value $epoch:$resp_time_a
resp_time_b.value $epoch:$resp_time_b
multigraph san.iops
graph_title IOPS
read_io_a.value $epoch:$read_io_a
write_io_a.value $epoch:$write_io_a
read_io_b.value $epoch:$read_io_b
write_io_b.value $epoch:$write_io_b
multigraph san.io
graph_title IO
read_mb_a.value $epoch:$read_mb_a
write_mb_a.value $epoch:$write_mb_a
read_mb_b.value $epoch:$read_mb_b
write_mb_b.value $epoch:$write_mb_b
multigraph san.cache
graph_title Cache
cache_mb_flush_a.value $epoch:$cache_mb_flush_a
write_cache_mb_flush_a.value $epoch:$write_cache_mb_flush_a
cache_mb_flush_b.value $epoch:$cache_mb_flush_b
write_cache_mb_flush_b.value $epoch:$write_cache_mb_flush_b
print ".\n";
my %MONTHS = get_months();
sub convert_to_epoch
# converts "05/12/2011 03:57" to EPOCH
my ($date, $time) = split(/ /);
my ($mday, $mon, $year) = split(/\//, $date);
my ($hour, $min, $sec) = split(/:/, $time);
$sec ||= 0;
use Time::Local;
$mon = $MONTHS{lc($mon)} unless $mon =~ m/\d+/;
my $epoch = timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon-1,$year);
return $epoch;
sub get_months {
return (
"jan" => 0,
"fev" => 1,
"mar" => 2,
"apr" => 3,
"may" => 4,
"jun" => 5,
"jul" => 6,
"aug" => 7,
"sep" => 8,
"oct" => 9,
"nov" => 10,
"dec" => 11,
sub trim {
return $_;
05/12/2011 03:57
print <<EOF
multigraph san
graph_title Vue globale
graph_order \
cpu_sp_a=san.cpu.cpu_sp_a \
multigraph san.cpu
graph_title Utilization (%)
cpu_sp_a.label Utilization (%) for SP A
cpu_sp_b.label Utilization (%) for SP B
cpu_sp_a.value $values->{"SP A"}->{"Utilization (%)"}
cpu_sp_b.value $values->{"SP B"}->{"Utilization (%)"}
multigraph san.bw
graph_title Total Bandwidth (MB/s)
iops_a.label Total Throughput (IO/s) for SP A
iops_b.label Total Throughput (IO/s) for SP B
iops_a.value $values->{"SP A"}->{"Total Throughput (IO/s)"}
iops_b.value $values->{"SP B"}->{"Total Throughput (IO/s)"}
multigraph san.iops
graph_title Total Throughput (IO/s)
iops_a.label Total Throughput (IO/s) for SP A
iops_b.label Total Throughput (IO/s) for SP B
iops_a.value $values->{"SP A"}->{"Total Throughput (IO/s)"}
iops_b.value $values->{"SP B"}->{"Total Throughput (IO/s)"}