Munin (contrib)
Last change
Graph Categories


Sadly there is no documentation for this plugin.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Plugin to monitor rate of new connections in applications of Flash Media
# Server.
# Parameters:
#       config   (required)
#       autoconf (optional - only used by munin-config)
# Requirements:
#       libwww-perl (LWP) Perl library
#	      Proc::ProcessTable Perl module
# Tested with:
#       Debian Etch
#       Macromedia Flash Media Server 2.0.3 r68
#       Adobe Flash Media Server 3.0.1 r123
#       Adobe Flash Media Server 3.5.0 r405
# $Log$
# Revision 1.0  2009/01/25 05:07:23  muzso
# Initial release.
# Usage
# -----
#   1. You will need the following Perl modules for this plugin to work:
#        LWP - The World-Wide Web library for Perl
#        Used modules: HTTP::Request, LWP::Simple, LWP::UserAgent
#        Proc::ProcessTable - Perl extension to access the unix process table
#      On a Debian/Ubuntu system:
#        apt-get install libwww-perl libproc-process-perl
#      In Ubuntu and recent Debian (Lenny and later) versions the latter is
#      renamed to libproc-processtable-perl, but for now (at the time of
#      writing) libproc-process-perl still exists as a dummy package to provide
#      backward compatibility.
#   2. You've to publish the "getApps" and "getAppStats" commands of the
#      Flash Media Administration Server for use through the HTTP admin API.
#      This means that you've to set "USERS.HTTPCOMMAND_ALLOW" to "true"
#      in ${FMS_DIR}/conf/fms.ini and in ${FMS_DIR}/conf/Users.xml set the
#      value of the node "Root/AdminServer/HTTPCommands/Allow" to contain
#      "getApps" and "getAppStats" too (by default it allows only "ping").
#   3. If you want to monitor an FMS running locally (ie. on the same server
#      where this plugin is deployed), then the plugin will autoconfigure
#      itself by fetching parameters from the ${FMS_DIR}/conf/fms.ini config
#      file of your FMS installation (autoconfigure will only work if the Flash
#      Media Administration Server is running since the plugin fetches the
#      location of the FMS directory through the current working directory of
#      the "fmsadmin" process). For this you have to run the plugin with root
#      privileges. To do so, specify in the Munin node plugin config file to
#      use "root" user for the plugin.
#      On Debian/Ubuntu this file can be found at
#        /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node
#      The entry for the plugin should look like this:
#        [fms_apps]
#        user = root
#      If autoconfiguration does not work or you want to specify the parameters
#      yourself (eg. you want to monitor an FMS that is on a different host),
#      then add a plugin entry to the Munin node plugin config file like this:
#        [fms_apps]
#        env.fms_admin_host =
#        env.fms_admin_port = 1111
#        env.fms_admin_username = admin
#        env.fms_admin_password = the_admin_password
#     For a local FMS the fms_admin_host can be set to "localhost".
#     If you're using the env.fms_admin_* variables for configuration, then
#     the plugin does not require root privileges.
#     However if doing so, it is strongly advised that you restrict access to
#     the Munin node plugin config file. It should be readable only by the
#     Munin node daemon since your FMS admin password should not be accessible
#     by any other user.
#     In case of Debian/Ubuntu the /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node file
#     is owned by root and the munin-node process runs with root privileges,
#     so the correct permission is to have the file readable only by root.
# Note: in case something "bad" happens (eg. plugin is run as non-root and
#       autoconfiguration is used) the plugin writes some informative message
#       to stderr to make debugging easier. This should not affect the normal
#       operation of munin-node since only the stdout of the plugins is used
#       and that's always kept as munin-node expects.
# Magic markers (optional - used by munin-config and installation scripts):
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf

use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use LWP::Simple;
use Proc::ProcessTable;

my ($host, $port, $username, $password);

sub name_filter { my ($n) = @_; $n =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g; $n }

sub get_apps {
	my @applist;
	my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 30);
	my $url = sprintf("http://%s:%d/admin/getApps?auser=%s\&apswd=%s", $host, $port, $username, $password);

	my $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url));
	if ( $response->content =~ /<data>[^<]*(<.*>)[^>]*<\/data>/is ) {
		my $apps = $1;
		while ( $apps =~ /<_[0-9]+> *([^<]*) *<\/_[0-9]+>/gi ) {
			my $appname = $1;
			push(@applist, $appname);
	return @applist;

if ( defined($ENV{fms_admin_host}) and length($ENV{fms_admin_host}) > 0 ) {
	$host = $ENV{fms_admin_host};
if ( defined($ENV{fms_admin_port}) and length($ENV{fms_admin_port}) > 0 ) {
	$port = $ENV{fms_admin_port};
if ( defined($ENV{fms_admin_username}) and length($ENV{fms_admin_username}) > 0 ) {
	$username = $ENV{fms_admin_username};
if ( defined($ENV{fms_admin_password}) and length($ENV{fms_admin_password}) > 0 ) {
	$password = $ENV{fms_admin_password};

if ( !( defined($host) and defined($port) and defined($username) and defined($password) ) ) {
	# Autoconfiguration:
	# 1. Find the "fmsadmin" process and assume that FMS is installed in the
	#    current working directory of the process.
	# 2. Look for the FMS config file in ${FMS_DIR}/conf/fms.ini.
	# 3. Fetch host, port, admin username and password values from the
	#    config file.

	# check that plugin is running with root privileges
	if ( $> == 0 ) {
		my $ProcTable = new Proc::ProcessTable;
		PROC_LOOP: foreach my $proc (@{$ProcTable->table}) {
			# match any filename starting with "fmsadmin"
			# (this way the plugin might work on platforms other
			#  than linux too)
			if ( defined($proc->{fname}) and $proc->{fname} =~ /^fmsadmin/i and defined($proc->{cwd}) ) {
				my $fms_config = $proc->{cwd} . "/conf/fms.ini";
				if ( open(my $fp, '<', $fms_config) ) {
					while (my $line = <$fp>) {
						if ( $line =~ /^ *SERVER\.ADMIN_USERNAME *= *([^ ].*) *$/ ) {
							$username = $1;
						} elsif ( $line =~ /^ *SERVER\.ADMIN_PASSWORD *= *([^ ].*) *$/ ) {
							$password = $1;
						} elsif ( $line =~ /^ *SERVER\.ADMINSERVER_HOSTPORT *= *([^ ]*)/ ) {
							my @data = split(":", $1);
							if ( $#data > 0 ) {
								if ( defined($data[0]) and length($data[0]) > 0 ) {
									$host = $data[0];
								} else {
									$host = "localhost";
								$port = $data[1];
						# exit the loop if we've got all parameters
						last PROC_LOOP if defined($host) and defined($port) and defined($username) and defined($password);
				} else {
					print(STDERR "Can't open FMS config file (" . $fms_config . "): $!\n");
				# exit the loop since we've already found the process
				# that we were looking for, we just failed to find
				# all required parameters in fms.ini (or failed to
				# find fms.ini at all in (cwd of fmsadmin)/conf
				last PROC_LOOP;
	} else {
		print(STDERR "Plugin must be run with root privileges for autoconfiguration to work!\n");

if ( defined($ARGV[0]) ) {
	if ( $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" ) {
		if ( defined($host) and defined($port) and defined($username) and defined($password) ) {
		} else {
		exit 0;
	} elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {
		print <<'END_GRAPH_CONFIG';
graph_title Flash Media Server application connection rates
graph_args -l 0 --base 1000
graph_vlabel new connections per ${graph_period}
graph_category network
graph_period minute
graph_info This graph shows the number of new connections per ${graph_period} for each application on the Flash Media Server.
		if ( defined($host) and defined($port) and defined($username) and defined($password) ) {
			my @apps = get_apps();
			if ( $#apps >= 0 ) {
				foreach my $app (@apps) {
					my $symbol = name_filter($app);
					print <<"END_APP_CONFIG";
fms_app_total_$symbol.label $app
fms_app_total_$symbol.type DERIVE
fms_app_total_$symbol.min 0
				exit 0;
			} else {
				print(STDERR "Failed to get list of applications from the Flash Media Administration Server!\n");
				exit 1;
		} else {
			print(STDERR "Failed to get all parameters needed for the connection to the Flash Media Administration Server!\n");
			exit 1;

if ( defined($host) and defined($port) and defined($username) and defined($password) ) {
	my @apps = get_apps();
	if ( $#apps >= 0 ) {
		my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 30);
		foreach my $app (@apps) {
			my $symbol = name_filter($app);
			my $url = sprintf("http://%s:%d/admin/getAppStats?auser=%s\&apswd=%s\&app=%s", $host, $port, $username, $password, $app);
			my $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url));
			if ( $response->content =~ /<data>.*<total_connects>[^0-9]*([0-9]+)[^0-9]*<\/total_connects>.*<\/data>/is ) {
				print("fms_app_total_$symbol.value $1\n");
			} else {
				print(STDERR "Failed to get total number of played streams for the \"$app\" application from the Flash Media Administration Server!\n");
				print("fms_app_total_$symbol.value U\n");
		exit 0;
	} else {
		print(STDERR "Failed to get list of applications from the Flash Media Administration Server!\n");
		exit 1;
} else {
	print(STDERR "Failed to get all parameters needed for the connection to the Flash Media Administration Server!\n");
	exit 2;