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fusion_ a Plugin for displaying VMWare Fusion Stats


This plugin displays the following charts:

  1. pcpu
  2. pmem
  3. mem

You can set the modes with naming the softlink:

  1. fusion_pcpu
  2. fusion_pmem
  3. fusion_mem

This Plugin uses ps for gaining the data:

> ps -A -c -o pcpu,pmem,rss=,comm,args -r | grep vmware-vmx 5,0 19,5 3271768 innoq-winxp.vmx vmware-vmx 4,6 10,7 1801768 Gateway.vmx vmware-vmx 2,3 5,8 976288 Jenkins.vmx vmware-vmx 2,0 22,6 3784144 Mac_OS_X_10.9.vmx vmware-vmx 0,0 0,0 620 grep vmware-vmx grep

So the Output should be pretty standard about all MacOS/Fusion Versions.


No Configuration necessary!

TODO: still a bug with getting pcpu,pmem,rss=,comm as an output, have filter it with if( $vm[3] =~ /(?<!comm)$/)


Philipp Haussleiter (email)



#!/usr/bin/env perl
# -*- perl -*-

=head1 NAME

fusion_ a Plugin for displaying VMWare Fusion Stats


This plugin displays the following charts:

1) pcpu
2) pmem
3) mem

You can set the modes with naming the softlink:

1) fusion_pcpu
2) fusion_pmem
3) fusion_mem

This Plugin uses ps for gaining the data:

> ps -A -c -o pcpu,pmem,rss=,comm,args -r | grep vmware-vmx
5,0 19,5   3271768 innoq-winxp.vmx 		vmware-vmx
4,6 10,7   1801768 Gateway.vmx           vmware-vmx
2,3  5,8   976288 Jenkins.vmx            vmware-vmx
2,0 22,6   3784144 Mac_OS_X_10.9.vmx     vmware-vmx
0,0  0,0   620 grep vmware-vmx           grep

So the Output should be pretty standard about all MacOS/Fusion Versions.


No Configuration necessary!

still a bug with getting pcpu,pmem,rss=,comm as an output, have filter it with if( $vm[3] =~ /(?<!comm)$/)

=head1 AUTHOR

Philipp Haussleiter <> (email)

=head1 LICENSE



use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Basename;

# pcpu, pmem, mem
my $type = basename($0);
$type =~ s/fusion_//;

my $cmd = "ps -A -c -o pcpu,pmem,rss=,args,comm -r | grep vmware-vmx";
my $output = `$cmd`;
my @lines=split(/\n/,$output);

if ( exists $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {
	my $lcount = 0;
	my $base_config = "graph_category virtualization\n";

	if( $type eq "pcpu" ) {
		print $base_config;
		print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 -u 100 -r\n";
		print "graph_scale no\n";
		print "graph_title CPU usage in % per VM\n";
		print "graph_vlabel % of CPU usage\n";
		print "graph_info The Graph shows the CPU usage in % per VM\n";
		foreach my $line(@lines) {
			if( $line  =~ /(?<!grep)$/) {
				my @vm = ();
				my $count = 0;
				my @array=split(/ /,$line);
				foreach my $entry(@array) {
					if( length($entry) > 2 ){
				$vm[3] =~ s/\.vmx//;
				my $cat = clean_vmname($vm[3]);
				if( $cat =~ /(?<!comm)$/)	{
	                if( $lcount > 0 ){
	                	print $cat,"_pcpu.draw STACK\n";
	                } else {
	                	print $cat,"_pcpu.draw AREA\n";
					print $cat,"_pcpu.label $vm[3]\n";
					print $cat,"_pcpu.type GAUGE\n";

	if( $type eq "pmem" ) {
		print $base_config;
		print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 -u 100 -r\n";
		print "graph_scale no\n";
		print "graph_title Memory usage in % per VM\n";
		print "graph_vlabel % of Memory usage\n";
		print "graph_info The Graph shows the Memory usage in % per VM\n";
		foreach my $line(@lines) {
			if( $line  =~ /(?<!grep)$/ ) {
				my @vm = ();
				my $count = 0;
				my @array=split(/ /,$line);
				foreach my $entry(@array) {
					if( length($entry) > 2 ){
				$vm[3] =~ s/\.vmx//;
                my $cat = clean_vmname($vm[3]);
				if( $cat =~ /(?<!comm)$/)	{
	                if( $lcount > 0 ){
	                	print $cat,"_pmem.draw STACK\n";
	                } else {
	                	print $cat,"_pmem.draw AREA\n";
					print $cat,"_pmem.label $vm[3]\n";
					print $cat,"_pmem.type GAUGE\n";

	if( $type eq "mem" ) {
		print $base_config;
		print "graph_args --base 1024 -r --lower-limit 0\n";
		print "graph_title absolute Memory usage per VM\n";
		print "graph_vlabel Memory usage\n";
		print "graph_info The Graph shows the absolute Memory usage per VM\n";
		foreach my $line(@lines) {
			if( $line  =~ /(?<!grep)$/ ) {
				my @vm = ();
				my $count = 0;
				my @array=split(/ /,$line);
				foreach my $entry(@array) {
					if( length($entry) > 2 ){
				$vm[3] = clean_vmname($vm[3]);
				if( $vm[3] =~ /(?<!comm)$/)	{
					if( $lcount > 0 ){
						print "$vm[3]_mem.draw STACK\n";
					} else {
						print "$vm[3]_mem.draw AREA\n";
					print "$vm[3]_mem.label $vm[3]\n";
					print "$vm[3]_mem.type GAUGE\n";

} else {
	foreach my $line(@lines) {
		if( $line  =~ /(?<!grep)$/ ) {
			my @vm = ();
			my $count = 0;
			my @array=split(/ /,$line);
			foreach my $entry(@array) {
				if( length($entry) > 2 ){
			$vm[3] = clean_vmname($vm[3]);
			if( $vm[3] =~ /(?<!comm)$/)	{
				if( $type eq "pcpu" ) {
					print "$vm[3]_pcpu.value $vm[0]\n";
				if( $type eq "pmem" ) {
					print "$vm[3]_pmem.value $vm[1]\n";
				if( $type eq "mem" ) {
					my $value =  ($vm[2]*1024);
					print "$vm[3]_mem.value $value\n";

sub clean_vmname {
    my $vm_name = $_[0];
    $vm_name =~ s/\.vmx//;
    $vm_name =~ s/\./\_/g;
    return $vm_name;