Munin (contrib)
Last change
Graph Categories


Sadly there is no documentation for this plugin.


 * This plugin makes use of the GameQ library to be able to query many different
 * types of game servers and display the results in munin. You can see a list of
 * supported games at
 * This plugin has 2 environment variables:
 * game_config_file - Defaults to /etc/munin/munin-game.ini. The location of the config file
 * game_state_file - Defaults to /var/lib/munin/plugin-state/game. The location of the munin state directory
 * (Probably) FAQ
 * Q: Why PHP?
 * A: The GameQ library is written in PHP, so it was either that or rewrite the entire library.
 * Q: Why have you used a config file instead of environment variables?
 * A: Way too much to fit data inside an environment variable unfortunately. Imagine
 *    trying to fit information about 50 servers all inside one variable.
 * Q: I want to ask you a question!
 * A: I'm on most IRC networks under the nick Azelphur, or email me.
 * Q: It's not working!
 * A: Try running ./game autoconf, it'll probably tell you what's up.

// Check environment variables
$var = getenv('game_config_file');
$config = ($var) ? $var : "/etc/munin/munin-game.ini";
$var = getenv('game_state_file');
$state = ($var) ? $var : (getenv('MUNIN_PLUGSTATE') . "/game");

function p($str) {
    // Quick function to print a string with an EOL on the end
    echo $str . PHP_EOL;

function printMultigraph($ini_array, $machine_name, $title, $info, $max) {
    // Print out a standard graph config.
    p("multigraph $machine_name");
    p("graph_title $title");
    p("graph_vlabel players");
    p("graph_category games");
    p("graph_info $info");
    p("graph_printf %6.0lf");

    if (isset($ini_array['settings'][$machine_name . '_colour']))
        p("players.colour " . $ini_array['settings'][$machine_name . '_colour']);

    if (isset($ini_array['settings'][$machine_name . '_draw']))
        p("players.draw " . $ini_array['settings'][$machine_name . '_draw']);

    p("players.label players");
    p(" Number of players");
    p("players.min 0");
    p("players.max $max");

function printValue($machine_name, $value) {
    // Print a value
    p("multigraph $machine_name");
    p("players.value " . $value);

function queryServers($ini_array) {
    // Query all game servers and return the results

    require "gameq/GameQ.php";

    // Populate the $servers array from the ini file, ready to pass to GameQ
    $servers = array();
    foreach ($ini_array as $section => $value) {
        if ($section != 'settings')
            $servers[$section] = array($value['game'], $value['address'], $value['port']);

    // Create a new GameQ object and pass it a list of servers
    $gq = new GameQ();

    // Set timeout from the config file
    $gq->setOption('timeout', $ini_array['settings']['timeout']);
    $gq->setOption('sock_count', $ini_array['settings']['sock_count']);
    $gq->setOption('sock_start', $ini_array['settings']['sock_start']);

    // This filter makes sure a subset of data is always available, next to the normal data

    // Send request(s)
    $results = $gq->requestData();

    return $results;

// Parse command line arguments if required.
if (isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) {
    if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == 'config') {
        // Load our config.ini
        $ini_array = parse_ini_file($config, true);

        // Load games.ini so we can show pretty game names
        $games = parse_ini_file('gameq/GameQ/games.ini', true);

        // Query the game servers
        $results = queryServers($ini_array);
        // Cache the query in the state file
        $fp = fopen($state, 'w+') or die("I could not open state file.");
        fwrite($fp, serialize($results));

        // Loop through each server, printing graphs.
        foreach ($results as $name => $server) {
            // If sub graphs and the game total graphs are enabled, make this be a sub-graph.
            if ($ini_array['settings']['show_game_total'] && $ini_array['settings']['enable_sub_graphs'])
                $machine_name = "gameserver_" . $ini_array[$name]['game'] . ".$name";
                $machine_name = "gameserver_" . $ini_array[$name]['game'] . "_$name";
            $title = $ini_array[$name]['name'] . " players";
            $info = "The number of players connected to the " . $games[$ini_array[$name]['game']]['name'] . " server";
            printMultigraph($ini_array, $machine_name, $title, $info, $server['gq_maxplayers']);

        // Game total graphs.
        if ($ini_array['settings']['show_game_total']) {
            $game_total_max = array();

            // Count players connected to each game
            foreach ($results as $name => $server) {
                if (!isset($game_total_max[$ini_array[$name]['game']]))
                    $game_total_max[$ini_array[$name]['game']] = $server['gq_maxplayers'];
                    $game_total_max[$ini_array[$name]['game']] += $server['gq_maxplayers'];

            // Print all the game total graphs.
            foreach ($game_total_max as $game => $total)
                $machine_name = "gameserver_" . $game;
                $title = "Total " . $games[$game]['name'] . " players";
                $info = "Total players connected to all " . $games[$game]['name'] . " servers";
                printMultigraph($ini_array, $machine_name, $title, $info, $total);

        // Global total graph
        if ($ini_array['settings']['show_global_total']) {
            $total_max = 0;
            // Add up all the players connected to all the servers
            foreach ($results as $name => $server) {
                $total_max += $server['gq_maxplayers'];

            printMultigraph($ini_array, "gameserver", "Total Players", "Total players connected to all servers", $total_max);
    if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == 'autoconf') {
        if (!@include("gameq/GameQ.php"))
            p("no (GameQ Library not found)");
        elseif (!file_exists($config))
            p("no ($config not found)");

// No command line arguments, print values.

// Load our config.ini
$ini_array = parse_ini_file($config, true);

// Load games.ini so we can show pretty game names
$games = parse_ini_file('gameq/GameQ/games.ini', true);

$results = unserialize(file_get_contents($state));

// Print individual game values
foreach ($results as $name => $server){
    if ($ini_array['settings']['show_game_total'] && $ini_array['settings']['enable_sub_graphs'])
        $machine_name = "gameserver_" . $ini_array[$name]['game'] . ".$name";
        $machine_name = "gameserver_" . $ini_array[$name]['game'] . "_$name";
    printValue($machine_name, $server['gq_numplayers']);

// Print game total values
if ($ini_array['settings']['show_game_total']) {
    $game_total = array();
    foreach ($results as $name => $server) {
        // Add up counts for the total graph
        if (!isset($game_total_max[$ini_array[$name]['game']]))
            $game_total[$ini_array[$name]['game']] = $server['gq_numplayers'];
            $game_total[$ini_array[$name]['game']] += $server['gq_numplayers'];
    foreach ($game_total as $game => $total)
        $machine_name = "gameserver_" . $game;
        printValue($machine_name, $total);

// Are global totals enabled?
if ($ini_array['settings']['show_global_total']) {
    $total = 0;
    foreach ($results as $name => $server) {
        $total += $server['gq_numplayers'];
    printValue("gameserver", $total);
