Munin (contrib)
Last change
Graph Categories



Memcached Multi - A Plugin to monitor Memcached Servers (Multigraph)

The common difference between this memcached Munin plugin and others that exists, is that
others don't expose slab information from memcached, so you can better tune your memcached
interaction / stability / etc. With this plugin we leverage multigraph capabilities in
Munin to "hide" the slab information underneath of their parent graphs.

Munin Node Configuration

The following configuration information can be overridden by placing environment definitions like shown here, in a file located in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d

[memcached_multi_*]                             *default*
env.port 11211                                 *default*
env.timescale 3                                *default*
env.cmds get set delete incr decr touch        *default*
env.leitime -1                                 *default*

Munin Node Environment Configuration Explanation

host = host we are going to monitor, this can be used to specify a unix socket.
port = port we are connecting to, in order to gather stats
timescale = what time frame do we want to format our graphs too
cmds = cmd types to display on cmd graph, remove cmds you don't want displayed from list.
leitime = setting this to 1 will re-enable slab eviction time graphs, see note below.

Basic Troubleshooting

Please make sure you can telnet to your memcache servers and issue the following commands: stats, stats settings, stats items and stats slabs.

Plugin Information

Available Graphs contained in this Plugin

bytes => This graphs the current network traffic in and out

commands => MULTIGRAPH This graphs the current commands being issued to the memcache machine. Multigraph breaks this down to per slab.

conns => This graphs the current, max connections as well as avg conns per sec avg conns per sec and is derived from total_conns / uptime.

evictions => MULTIGRAPH This graphs the current evictions on the node. Multigraph breaks this down to per slab.

items => MULTIGRAPH This graphs the current items and total items in the memcached node. Multigraph breaks this down to per slab.

memory => MULTIGRAPH This graphs the current and max memory allocation. Multigraph breaks this down to per slab.

unfetched => MULTIGRAPH This graphs the number of items that were never touched by a get/incr/append/etc before being evicted or expiring from the cache. Multigraph breaks this down to per slab.

Additional Information

NOTE: The slab plugin for LEI has been disabled since I believe the counters to be inaccurate, or perhaps not being updated as often I thought they would be. They can be re-enabled by setting an environment variable, see munin configuration section at the top.

You will find that some of the graphs have LEI on them. This was done in order to save room on space for text and stands for Last Evicted Item.

The Timescale variable formats certain graphs based on the following guidelines. 1 => Seconds 2 => Minutes 3 => Hours *Default* 4 => Days


Thanks to dormando for putting up with me ;)


Matt West < >



Magic Markers

#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest

Variable Declarations

This section of code is to declare the variables used throughout the plugin
Some of them are imported as environment variables from munin plugin conf.d
file, others are hashes used for storing information that comes from the
stats commands issued to memcached.

Graph Declarations

This block of code builds up all of the graph info for all root / subgraphs.

%graphs: is a container for all of the graph definition information. In here is where you'll
         find the configuration information for munin's graphing procedure.

$graph{graph_name} => {
    config => {
        You'll find the main graph config stored here
        { key => value },
        { ... },
    datasrc => [
        Name: name given to data value
        Attr: Attribute and value, attribute must be valid plugin argument
        { name => 'Name', info => 'info about graph', ... },
        { ... },

Munin Checks

These checks look for config / autoconf / suggest params

Config Check

This block of code looks at the argument that is possibly supplied,
should it be config, it then checks to make sure the plugin
specified exists, assuming it does, it will run the do_config
subroutine for the plugin specified, otherwise it dies complaining
about an unknown plugin.

Autoconf Check

This block of code looks at the argument that is possibly supplied,
should it be autoconf, we will attempt to connect to the memcached
service specified on the host:port, upon successful connection it
prints yes, otherwise it prints no.

Suggest Check

This block of code looks at the argument that is possibly supplied,
should it be suggest, we are going to print the possible plugins
which can be specified. Note we only specify the root graphs for the
multigraphs, since the rest of the subgraphs will appear "behind" the
root graphs. It also attempts to connect to the memcached service to
verify it is in fact running.

Output Subroutines

Output Subroutine calls to output data values


This subroutine is the main call for printing data for the plugin.
No parameters are taken as this is the default call if no arguments
are supplied from the command line.
This subroutine prints out the return values for our non-multigraph root graphs.
It takes one parameter $plugin and returns when completed.

    $plugin;    graph we are calling up to print data values for

Example: print_root_output($plugin);
This subroutine prints out the return values for our multigraph root graphs.
It takes one parameter $plugin and returns when completed.

    $plugin;    root graph we are calling up to print data values for

Example: print_rootmulti_output($plugin);
This subroutine prints out the return values for our multigraph root graphs, only this set of
data will display on the subpage made by the multigraph capabilities of munin and the plugin.
It takes one parameter $plugin and returns when completed.

    $plugin;    root graph we are calling up to print data values for

Example: print_rootmulti_output($plugin);
This subroutine prints out the return values for our multigraph subgraphs. It takes
three parameters $slabid, $plugin, @subgraphs and then rReturns when completed.

    $slabid;    slab id that we will use to grab info from and print out
    $plugin;    root graph being called, used for multigraph output and slab id
    @subgraphs; graphs we are actually trying to print data values for

Example: print_submulti_output($slabid,$plugin,@subgraphs);

Config Subroutines

These subroutines handle the config portion of munin calls.


This is the main call issued assuming we call up config and plugin specified exists
The subroutine takes one parameter $plugin, and returns when completed.

    $plugin; root graph being called

Example: do_config($plugin);
This subroutine prints out the config information for all of the non-multigraph root graphs.
It takes one parameter, $plugin, returns when completed.

    $plugin;    root graph used for multigraph call

Example:  print_root_config($plugin);
This subroutine prints out the config information for all of the multigraph root graphs.
It takes one parameter, $plugin, returns when completed.

    $plugin;    root graph used for multigraph call

Example:  print_rootmulti_config($plugin);
This subroutine prints out the config information for all of the multigraph root graph, only this
graph of the data will display on the subpage made by the multigraph capabilities of munin and
the plugin. It takes one parameter, $plugin, returns when completed.

    $plugin;    root graph used for multigraph call

Example:  print_rootmulti_config($plugin);
This subroutine prints out the config information for all of the multigraph subgraphs.
It takes three parameters, $slabid, $plugin and @subgraphs, returns when completed.

    $slabid;    slab id that we will use to grab info from and print out
    $plugin;    root graph being called, used for multigraph output and slab id
    @subgraphs; graphs we are actually trying to print data values for

Example:  print_submulti_config($slabid,$plugin,@subgraphs);

Misc Subroutines

These subroutines are misc ones, and are referenced inside of the code. They
should never be called up by Munin.


This subroutine returns a socket connection


This subroutine fetches the information from memcached and stores it into our
hashes for later referencing throughout the graph. Returns when completed


This subroutine is here for me to adjust the timescale of the time graphs
for last evicted item and age of eldest item in cache.

    Please note, after long usage I have noticed these counters may not
    be accurate, I believe the developers are aware and have submitted
    a patch upstream.


This subroutine looks at the specified commands inputted, and generates
a hashref containing two arrays, one for global command keys and one for
slab command keys.

Memcached Multi - A Plugin to monitor Memcached Servers (Multigraph)

 The common difference between this memcached Munin plugin and others that exists, is that
 others don't expose slab information from memcached, so you can better tune your memcached
 interaction / stability / etc. With this plugin we leverage multigraph capabilities in
 Munin to "hide" the slab information underneath of their parent graphs.


The following configuration information can be overridden by placing environment definitions
 like shown here, in a file located in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d

 [memcached_multi_*]                             *default*
 env.port 11211                                 *default*
 env.timescale 3                                *default*
 env.cmds get set delete incr decr touch        *default*
 env.leitime -1                                 *default*


 host = host we are going to monitor, this can be used to specify a unix socket.
 port = port we are connecting to, in order to gather stats
 timescale = what time frame do we want to format our graphs too
 cmds = cmd types to display on cmd graph, remove cmds you don't want displayed from list.
 leitime = setting this to 1 will re-enable slab eviction time graphs, see note below.


Please make sure you can telnet to your memcache servers and issue the
following commands: stats, stats settings, stats items and stats slabs.


Available Graphs contained in this Plugin

bytes => This graphs the current network traffic in and out

commands => I<MULTIGRAPH> This graphs the current commands being issued to the memcache machine.
                                B<Multigraph breaks this down to per slab.>

conns => This graphs the current, max connections as well as avg conns per sec avg conns per sec
            and is derived from total_conns / uptime.

evictions => I<MULTIGRAPH> This graphs the current evictions on the node.
                                B<Multigraph breaks this down to per slab.>

items => I<MULTIGRAPH> This graphs the current items and total items in the memcached node.
                                B<Multigraph breaks this down to per slab.>

memory => I<MULTIGRAPH> This graphs the current and max memory allocation.
                                B<Multigraph breaks this down to per slab.>

unfetched => I<MULTIGRAPH> This graphs the number of items that were never touched by a
                get/incr/append/etc before being evicted or expiring from the cache.
                                B<Multigraph breaks this down to per slab.>


B<NOTE:> The slab plugin for LEI has been disabled since I believe the counters to be inaccurate,
    or perhaps not being updated as often I thought they would be. They can be re-enabled by
    setting an environment variable, see munin configuration section at the top.

You will find that some of the graphs have LEI on them. This was done in order to save room
on space for text and stands for B<Last Evicted Item>.

The B<Timescale> variable formats certain graphs based on the following guidelines.
 1 => Seconds
 2 => Minutes
 3 => Hours  B<*Default*>
 4 => Days


Thanks to dormando for putting up with me ;)

=head1 AUTHOR

Matt West < >

=head1 LICENSE



 #%# family=auto
 #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest


use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
use Munin::Plugin;
use File::Basename;

if (basename($0) !~ /^memcached_multi_/) {
    print "This script needs to be named memcached_multi_ and have symlinks which start the same.\n";
    exit 1;

# tell munin about our multigraph capabilities

=head1 Variable Declarations

    This section of code is to declare the variables used throughout the plugin
    Some of them are imported as environment variables from munin plugin conf.d
    file, others are hashes used for storing information that comes from the
    stats commands issued to memcached.


# lets import environment variables for the plugin or use the default
my $host = $ENV{host} || "";
my $port = $ENV{port} || 11211;

# This gives us the ability to control the timescale our graphs are displaying.
# The default it set to divide by hours, if you want to get seconds set it to 1.
# Options: 1 = seconds, 2 = minutes, 3 = hours, 4 = days
my $timescale = $ENV{timescale} || 3;

# This gives us the ability to turn the Last Evicted Item time slab graph on.
# It was removed because I believe the counter / response to be broken but
# perhaps this was useful to someone.
my $leitime = $ENV{leitime} || -1;

# This gives us the ability to specify which commands we want to display on the
# command graph. Allowing finer control since some environments don't leverage
# every command possible in memcached.
# Options: get set delete incr decr case touch flush
my $commands = $ENV{cmds} || "get set delete incr decr touch";

# This hash contains the information contained in two memcache commands
# stats and stats settings.
my %stats;

# This gives us eviction rates and other hit stats per slab
# We track this so we can see if something was evicted earlier than necessary
my %items;

# This gives us the memory size and usage per slab
# We track this so we can see what slab is being used the most and has no free chunks
# so we can re-tune memcached to allocate more pages for the specified chunk size
my %chnks;

# Variable for setting up a quick access map for plugin configurations / version adherence
my $globalmap;

=head2 Graph Declarations

    This block of code builds up all of the graph info for all root / subgraphs.

    %graphs: is a container for all of the graph definition information. In here is where you'll
             find the configuration information for munin's graphing procedure.

    $graph{graph_name} => {
        config => {
            You'll find the main graph config stored here
            { key => value },
            { ... },
        datasrc => [
            Name: name given to data value
            Attr: Attribute and value, attribute must be valid plugin argument
            { name => 'Name', info => 'info about graph', ... },
            { ... },


my %graphs;

# main graph for memcached item count
$graphs{items} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => 'Items in Memcached',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Items',
        info => 'Number of items in use by memcached',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'curr_items', label => 'Current Items', min => '0' },
        { name => 'total_items', label => 'New Items', min => '0', type => 'DERIVE' },
# main graph for memcached memory usage
$graphs{memory} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1024 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => 'Bytes Used',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Memory Usage',
        info => 'Memory consumption of memcached',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'limit_maxbytes', draw => 'AREA', label => 'Maximum Bytes Allocated', min => '0' },
        { name => 'bytes', draw => 'AREA', label => 'Current Bytes Used', min => '0' },
# main graph for memcached network usage
$graphs{bytes} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000',
        vlabel => 'bits in (-) / out (+)',
        title => 'Network Traffic',
        category => 'memory',
        info => 'Network traffic in (-) / out (+) of the machine',
        order => 'bytes_read bytes_written',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'bytes_read', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Network Traffic coming in (-)',
            graph => 'no', cdef => 'bytes_read,8,*', min => '0' },
        { name => 'bytes_written', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Traffic in (-) / out (+)',
            negative => 'bytes_read', cdef => 'bytes_written,8,*', min => '0' },
# graph for memcached connections
$graphs{conns} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => 'Connections per ${graph_period}',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Connections',
        info => 'Number of connections being handled by memcached',
        order => 'max_conns curr_conns avg_conns',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'curr_conns', label => 'Current Connections', min => '0' },
        { name => 'max_conns', label => 'Max Connections', min => '0' },
        { name => 'avg_conns' , label => 'Avg Connections', min => '0' },
# main graph for memcached commands issued
$graphs{commands} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => 'Commands per ${graph_period}',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Commands',
        info => 'Number of commands being handled by memcached',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'cmd_get', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Gets',
            info => 'Cumulative number of retrieval reqs', min => '0' },
        { name => 'cmd_set', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Sets',
            info => 'Cumulative number of storage reqs', min => '0' },
        { name => 'cmd_flush', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Flushes',
            info => 'Cumulative number of flush reqs', min => '0' },
        { name => 'cmd_touch', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Touches',
            info => 'Cumulative number of touch reqs', min => '0' },
        { name => 'get_hits', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Get Hits',
            info => 'Number of keys that were requested and found', min => '0' },
        { name => 'get_misses', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Get Misses',
            info => 'Number of keys there were requested and not found', min => '0' },
        { name => 'delete_hits', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Delete Hits',
            info => 'Number of delete requests that resulted in a deletion of a key', min => '0' },
        { name => 'delete_misses', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Delete Misses',
            info => 'Number of delete requests for missing key', min => '0' },
        { name => 'incr_hits', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Increment Hits',
            info => 'Number of successful increment requests', min => '0' },
        { name => 'incr_misses', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Increment Misses',
            info => 'Number of unsuccessful increment requests', min => '0' },
        { name => 'decr_hits', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Decrement Hits',
            info => 'Number of successful decrement requests', min => '0' },
        { name => 'decr_misses', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Decrement Misses',
            info => 'Number of unsuccessful decrement requests', min => '0' },
        { name => 'cas_misses', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'CAS Misses',
            info => 'Number of Compare and Swap requests against missing keys', min => '0' },
        { name => 'cas_hits', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'CAS Hits',
            info => 'Number of successful Compare and Swap requests', min => '0' },
        { name => 'cas_badval', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'CAS Badval',
            info => 'Number of unsuccessful Compare and Swap requests', min => '0' },
        { name => 'touch_hits', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Touch Hits',
            info => 'Number of successfully touched keys', min => '0' },
        { name => 'touch_misses', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Touch Misses',
            info => 'Number of unsuccessful touch keys', min => '0' },
# main graph for memcached eviction rates
$graphs{evictions} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => 'Evictions per ${graph_period}',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Evictions',
        info => 'Number of evictions per second',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'evictions', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Evictions',
            info => 'Cumulative Evictions Across All Slabs', min => '0' },
        { name => 'evicted_nonzero', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Evictions prior to Expire',
            info => 'Cumulative Evictions forced to expire prior to expiration', min => '0' },
        { name => 'reclaimed', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Reclaimed Items',
            info => 'Cumulative Reclaimed Item Entries Across All Slabs', min => '0' },
# main graph for memcached eviction rates
$graphs{unfetched} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => 'Unfetched Items per ${graph_period}',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Unfetched Items',
        info => 'Number of items that were never touched get/incr/append/etc before X occurred',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'expired_unfetched', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Expired Unfetched', min => '0',
            info => 'Number of items that expired and never had get/incr/append/etc performed'},
        { name => 'evicted_unfetched', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Evictioned Unfetched', min => '0',
            info => 'Number of items that evicted and never had get/incr/append/etc performed'},
# subgraph for breaking memory info down by slab ( subgraph of memory )
$graphs{slabchnks} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => 'Available Chunks for this Slab',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Chunk Usage for Slab: ',
        info => 'This graph shows you the chunk usage for this memory slab.',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'total_chunks', label => 'Total Chunks Available', min => '0' },
        { name => 'used_chunks', label => 'Total Chunks in Use', min => '0' },
        { name => 'free_chunks', label => 'Total Chunks Not in Use (Free)', min => '0' },
# subgraph for breaking commands down by slab ( subgraph of commands )
$graphs{slabhits} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => 'Hits per Slab per ${graph_period}',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Hits for Slab: ',
        info => 'This graph shows you the successful hit rate for this memory slab.',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'get_hits', label => 'Get Requests', type => 'DERIVE', min => '0' },
        { name => 'cmd_set', label => 'Set Requests', type => 'DERIVE', min => '0' },
        { name => 'delete_hits', label => 'Delete Requests', type => 'DERIVE', min => '0' },
        { name => 'incr_hits', label => 'Increment Requests', type => 'DERIVE', min => '0' },
        { name => 'decr_hits', label => 'Decrement Requests', type => 'DERIVE', min => '0' },
        { name => 'cas_hits', label => 'Successful CAS Requests', type => 'DERIVE', min => '0' },
        { name => 'cas_badval', label => 'UnSuccessful CAS Requests', type => 'DERIVE', min => '0' },
        { name => 'touch_hits', label => 'Touch Requests', type => 'DERIVE', min => '0' },
# subgraph for breaking evictions down by slab ( subgraph of evictions )
$graphs{slabevics} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => 'Evictions per Slab per ${graph_period}',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Evictions for Slab: ',
        info => 'This graph shows you the eviction rate for this memory slab.',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'evicted', label => 'Total Evictions', type => 'DERIVE', min => '0',
            info => 'Items evicted from memory slab' },
        { name => 'evicted_nonzero', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Evictions from LRU Prior to Expire',
            info => 'Items evicted from memory slab before ttl expiration', min => '0' },
        { name => 'reclaimed', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Reclaimed Expired Items',
            info => 'Number of times an item was stored in expired memory slab space', min => '0' },
# subgraph for showing the time between an item was last evicted and requested ( subgraph of evictions )
$graphs{slabevictime} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => ' since Request for LEI',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Eviction Request Time for Slab: ',
        info => 'This graph shows you the time since we requested the last evicted item',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'evicted_time', label => 'Eviction Time (LEI)',
            info => 'Time Since Request for Last Evicted Item', min => '0' },
# subgraph for breaking items down by slab ( subgraph of items )
$graphs{slabitems} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => 'Items per Slab',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Items in Slab: ',
        info => 'This graph shows you the number of items and reclaimed items per slab.',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'number', label => 'Items', draw => 'AREA',
            info => 'This is the amount of items stored in this slab', min => '0' },
# subgraph for showing the age of the eldest item stored in a slab ( subgraph of items )
$graphs{slabitemtime} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => ' since item was stored',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Age of Eldest Item in Slab: ',
        info => 'This graph shows you the time of the eldest item in this slab',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'age', label => 'Eldest Item\'s Age', min => '0' },
# main graph for memcached eviction rates
$graphs{slabunfetched} = {
    config => {
        args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
        vlabel => 'Unfetched Items per ${graph_period}',
        category => 'memory',
        title => 'Unfetched Items in Slab: ',
        info => 'Number of items that were never touched get/incr/append/etc before X occurred',
    datasrc => [
        { name => 'expired_unfetched', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Expired Unfetched', min => '0',
            info => 'Number of items that expired and never had get/incr/append/etc performed'},
        { name => 'evicted_unfetched', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Evictioned Unfetched', min => '0',
            info => 'Number of items that evicted and never had get/incr/append/etc performed'},

=head1 Munin Checks

    These checks look for config / autoconf / suggest params

=head2 Config Check

    This block of code looks at the argument that is possibly supplied,
    should it be config, it then checks to make sure the plugin
    specified exists, assuming it does, it will run the do_config
    subroutine for the plugin specified, otherwise it dies complaining
    about an unknown plugin.


if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'config') {
    # Lets get our plugin from the symlink being called up, we'll also verify its a valid
    # plugin that we have graph information for
    $0 =~ /memcached_multi_(.+)*/;
    my $plugin = $1;
    die 'Unknown Plugin Specified: ' . ($plugin ? $plugin : '') unless $graphs{$plugin};
    # We need to fetch the stats before we do any config, cause its needed for multigraph
    # subgraphs which use slab information for title / info per slab
    $globalmap = buildglobalmap();
    # Now lets go ahead and print out our config.
    exit 0;

=head2 Autoconf Check

    This block of code looks at the argument that is possibly supplied,
    should it be autoconf, we will attempt to connect to the memcached
    service specified on the host:port, upon successful connection it
    prints yes, otherwise it prints no.


if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf') {
    # Lets attempt to connect to memcached
    my $s = get_conn();
    # Lets verify that we did connect to memcached
    if (defined($s)) {
        print "yes\n";
        exit 0;
    } else {
        print "no (unable to connect to $host\[:$port\])\n";
        exit 0;

=head2 Suggest Check

    This block of code looks at the argument that is possibly supplied,
    should it be suggest, we are going to print the possible plugins
    which can be specified. Note we only specify the root graphs for the
    multigraphs, since the rest of the subgraphs will appear "behind" the
    root graphs. It also attempts to connect to the memcached service to
    verify it is in fact running.


if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'suggest') {
    # Lets attempt to connect to memcached
    my $s = get_conn();
    # Lets check that we did connect to memcached
    if (defined($s)) {
        my @rootplugins = ('bytes','conns','commands','evictions','items','memory');
        if ($stats{version} !~ /^1\.4\.[0-7]$/) {
            push(@rootplugins, 'unfetched');
        foreach my $plugin (@rootplugins) {
            print "$plugin\n";
        exit 0;
    } else {
        print "no (unable to connect to $host\[:$port\])\n";
        exit 0;

=head1 Output Subroutines

    Output Subroutine calls to output data values

=head2 fetch_output

    This subroutine is the main call for printing data for the plugin.
    No parameters are taken as this is the default call if no arguments
    are supplied from the command line.


# Well, no arguments were supplied that we know about, so lets print some data
$0 =~ /memcached_multi_(.+)*/;
my $plugin = $1;
die 'Unknown Plugin Specified: ' . ($plugin ? $plugin : '') unless $graphs{$plugin};
$globalmap = buildglobalmap();

sub fetch_output {
    my ($plugin) = (@_);
    # Now lets go ahead and print out our output.
    my @subgraphs;
    if ($plugin eq 'memory') {
        @subgraphs = ('slabchnks');
        foreach my $slabid(sort{$a <=> $b} keys %chnks) {
    } elsif ($plugin eq 'commands') {
        @subgraphs = ('slabhits');
        foreach my $slabid(sort{$a <=> $b} keys %chnks) {
    } elsif ($plugin eq 'evictions') {
        @subgraphs = ('slabevics');
        if ($leitime == 1) { push(@subgraphs, 'slabevictime'); }
        foreach my $slabid (sort{$a <=> $b} keys %items) {
    } elsif ($plugin eq 'items') {
        @subgraphs = ('slabitems','slabitemtime');
        foreach my $slabid (sort{$a <=> $b} keys %items) {
    } elsif ($plugin eq 'unfetched') {
        @subgraphs = ('slabunfetched');
        foreach my $slabid (sort{$a <=> $b} keys %items) {
    } else {


=head2 print_root_output

    This subroutine prints out the return values for our non-multigraph root graphs.
    It takes one parameter $plugin and returns when completed.

        $plugin;    graph we are calling up to print data values for

    Example: print_root_output($plugin);


sub print_root_output {
    # Lets get our plugin, set our graph reference and print out info for Munin
    my ($plugin) = (@_);
    my $graph = $graphs{$plugin};
    # The conns plugin has some specific needs, looking for plugin type
    if ($plugin ne 'conns') {
        foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) {
            my %datasrc = %$dsrc;
            while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) {
                next if ($key ne 'name');
                my $output = $stats{$value};
                print "$dsrc->{name}.value $output\n";
    } else {
        my $output;
        foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) {
            my %datasrc = %$dsrc;
            while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) {
                if ($value eq 'max_conns') {
                    $output = $stats{maxconns};
                } elsif ($value eq 'curr_conns') {
                    $output = $stats{curr_connections};
                } elsif ($value eq 'avg_conns') {
                    $output = sprintf("%02d", $stats{total_connections} / $stats{uptime});
                } else {
                print "$dsrc->{name}.value $output\n";

=head2 print_rootmulti_output

    This subroutine prints out the return values for our multigraph root graphs.
    It takes one parameter $plugin and returns when completed.

        $plugin;    root graph we are calling up to print data values for

    Example: print_rootmulti_output($plugin);


sub print_rootmulti_output {
    # Lets get our plugin, set our graph reference and print out info for Munin
    my ($plugin) = (@_);
    my $graph = $graphs{$plugin};
    print "multigraph memcached_multi_$plugin\n";
    # Lets print our data values with their appropriate name
    foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) {
        my $output = 0;
        my %datasrc = %$dsrc;
        while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) {
            next if ($key ne 'name');
            next if (($plugin eq 'evictions') && (!exists($globalmap->{globalevics}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
            next if (($plugin eq 'commands') && (!exists($globalmap->{globalcmds}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
            if (($plugin eq 'evictions') && ($value eq 'evicted_nonzero')) {
                foreach my $slabid (sort{$a <=> $b} keys %items) {
                    $output += $items{$slabid}->{evicted_nonzero};
            } else {
                $output = $stats{$value};
            print "$dsrc->{name}.value $output\n";

=head2 print_subrootmulti_output

    This subroutine prints out the return values for our multigraph root graphs, only this set of
    data will display on the subpage made by the multigraph capabilities of munin and the plugin.
    It takes one parameter $plugin and returns when completed.

        $plugin;    root graph we are calling up to print data values for

    Example: print_rootmulti_output($plugin);


sub print_subrootmulti_output {
    # Lets get our plugin, set our graph reference and print out info for Munin
    my ($plugin) = (@_);
    my $graph = $graphs{$plugin};
    if ($plugin eq 'evictions') {
        print "multigraph memcached_multi_$$plugin\n";
    } else {
        print "multigraph memcached_multi_$plugin.$plugin\n";
    # Lets print our data values with their appropriate name
    foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) {
        my $output = 0;
        my %datasrc = %$dsrc;
        while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) {
            next if ($key ne 'name');
            next if (($plugin eq 'evictions') && (!exists($globalmap->{globalevics}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
            next if (($plugin eq 'commands') && (!exists($globalmap->{globalcmds}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
            if (($plugin eq 'evictions') && ($value eq 'evicted_nonzero')) {
                foreach my $slabid (sort{$a <=> $b} keys %items) {
                    $output += $items{$slabid}->{evicted_nonzero};
            } else {
                $output = $stats{$value};
            print "$dsrc->{name}.value $output\n";

=head2 print_submulti_output

    This subroutine prints out the return values for our multigraph subgraphs. It takes
    three parameters $slabid, $plugin, @subgraphs and then rReturns when completed.

        $slabid;    slab id that we will use to grab info from and print out
        $plugin;    root graph being called, used for multigraph output and slab id
        @subgraphs; graphs we are actually trying to print data values for

    Example: print_submulti_output($slabid,$plugin,@subgraphs);


sub print_submulti_output {
    # Lets get our slabid, plugin, and subgraphs
    my ($slabid,$plugin,@subgraphs) = (@_);
    my $currslab = undef;
    # Time to loop over our subgraphs array
    foreach my $sgraph (@subgraphs) {
        # Lets set our graph reference for quick calling, and print some info for munin
        my $graph = $graphs{$sgraph};
        print "multigraph memcached_multi_$plugin.$sgraph\_$slabid\n";
        # Lets figure out what slab info we are trying to call up
        if (($plugin eq 'evictions') || ($plugin eq 'items') || ($plugin eq 'unfetched')) {
            $currslab = $items{$slabid};
        } elsif (($plugin eq 'memory') || ($plugin eq 'commands')) {
            $currslab = $chnks{$slabid};
        } else {
        # Lets print our data values with their appropriate name
        foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) {
            my %datasrc = %$dsrc;
            while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) {
                next if ($key ne 'name');
                next if (($sgraph eq 'slabevics') && (!exists($globalmap->{slabevics}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
                next if (($plugin eq 'commands') && (!exists($globalmap->{slabcmds}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
                my $output = $currslab->{$value};
                if (($sgraph eq 'slabevictime') || ($sgraph eq 'slabitemtime')) {
                    $output = time_scale('data',$output); ;
                print "$dsrc->{name}.value $output\n";

=head1 Config Subroutines

    These subroutines handle the config portion of munin calls.

=head2 do_config

    This is the main call issued assuming we call up config and plugin specified exists
    The subroutine takes one parameter $plugin, and returns when completed.

        $plugin; root graph being called

    Example: do_config($plugin);


sub do_config {
    my ($plugin) = (@_);
    my @subgraphs;
    if ($plugin eq 'memory') {
        @subgraphs = ('slabchnks');
        foreach my $slabid (sort{$a <=> $b} keys %chnks) {
    } elsif ($plugin eq 'commands') {
        @subgraphs = ('slabhits');
        foreach my $slabid (sort{$a <=> $b} keys %chnks) {
    } elsif ($plugin eq 'evictions') {
        @subgraphs = ('slabevics');
        if ($leitime == 1) { push(@subgraphs, 'slabevictime'); }
        foreach my $slabid (sort{$a <=> $b}  keys %items) {
    } elsif ($plugin eq 'items') {
        @subgraphs = ('slabitems','slabitemtime');
        foreach my $slabid (sort{$a <=> $b} keys %items) {
    } elsif ($plugin eq 'unfetched') {
        @subgraphs = ('slabunfetched');
        foreach my $slabid (sort{$a <=> $b}  keys %items) {
    } else {


=head2 print_root_config

    This subroutine prints out the config information for all of the non-multigraph root graphs.
    It takes one parameter, $plugin, returns when completed.

        $plugin;    root graph used for multigraph call

    Example:  print_root_config($plugin);


sub print_root_config {
    # Lets get our plugin, set our graph reference and our graph config info
    my ($plugin) = (@_);
    my $graph = $graphs{$plugin};
    my %graphconf = %{$graph->{config}};
    # Lets tell munin about the graph we are referencing and print the main config
    while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%graphconf)) {
        print "graph_$key $value\n";
    # Lets tell munin about our data values and how to treat them
    foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) {
        my %datasrc = %$dsrc;
        while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) {
            next if ($key eq 'name');
            print "$dsrc->{name}.$key $value\n";

=head2 print_rootmulti_config

    This subroutine prints out the config information for all of the multigraph root graphs.
    It takes one parameter, $plugin, returns when completed.

        $plugin;    root graph used for multigraph call

    Example:  print_rootmulti_config($plugin);


sub print_rootmulti_config {
    # Lets get out plugin, set our graph reference and our graph config info
    my ($plugin) = (@_);
    my $graph = $graphs{$plugin};
    my %graphconf = %{$graph->{config}};
    # Lets tell munin about the graph we are referencing and print the main config
    print "multigraph memcached_multi_$plugin\n";
    while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%graphconf)) {
        if ($key eq 'category') { $value = 'memory' };
        print "graph_$key $value\n";
    # Lets tell munin about our data values and how to treat them
    foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) {
        my %datasrc = %$dsrc;
        while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) {
            next if ($key eq 'name');
            next if (($plugin eq 'evictions') && (!exists($globalmap->{globalevics}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
            next if (($plugin eq 'commands') && (!exists($globalmap->{globalcmds}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
            print "$dsrc->{name}.$key $value\n";

=head2 print_subrootmulti_config

    This subroutine prints out the config information for all of the multigraph root graph, only this
    graph of the data will display on the subpage made by the multigraph capabilities of munin and
    the plugin. It takes one parameter, $plugin, returns when completed.

        $plugin;    root graph used for multigraph call

    Example:  print_rootmulti_config($plugin);


sub print_subrootmulti_config {
    # Lets get out plugin, set our graph reference and our graph config info
    my ($plugin) = (@_);
    my $graph = $graphs{$plugin};
    my %graphconf = %{$graph->{config}};
    if ($plugin eq 'evictions') {
        print "multigraph memcached_multi_$$plugin\n";
    } else {
        print "multigraph memcached_multi_$plugin.$plugin\n";
    while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%graphconf)) {
        print "graph_$key $value\n";
    # Lets tell munin about our data values and how to treat them
    foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) {
        my %datasrc = %$dsrc;
        while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) {
            next if ($key eq 'name');
            next if (($plugin eq 'evictions') && (!exists($globalmap->{globalevics}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
            next if (($plugin eq 'commands') && (!exists($globalmap->{globalcmds}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
            print "$dsrc->{name}.$key $value\n";

=head2 print_submulti_config

    This subroutine prints out the config information for all of the multigraph subgraphs.
    It takes three parameters, $slabid, $plugin and @subgraphs, returns when completed.

        $slabid;    slab id that we will use to grab info from and print out
        $plugin;    root graph being called, used for multigraph output and slab id
        @subgraphs; graphs we are actually trying to print data values for

    Example:  print_submulti_config($slabid,$plugin,@subgraphs);


sub print_submulti_config {
    # Lets get our slabid, plugin, and subgraphs
    my ($slabid,$plugin,@subgraphs) = (@_);
    my ($slabitems,$slabchnks) = undef;
    # Time to loop over our subgraphs array
    foreach my $sgraph (@subgraphs) {
        # Lets set our graph reference, and main graph config for easy handling
        my $graph = $graphs{$sgraph};
        my %graphconf = %{$graph->{config}};
        # Lets tell munin which graph we are graphing, and what our main graph config info is
        print "multigraph memcached_multi_$plugin.$sgraph\_$slabid\n";
        while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%graphconf)) {
            if ($key eq 'title') {
                print "graph_$key $value" . "$slabid" . " ($chnks{$slabid}->{chunk_size} Bytes)\n";
            } elsif (($key eq 'vlabel') && (($sgraph eq 'slabevictime') || ($sgraph eq 'slabitemtime'))) {
                $value = time_scale('config',$value);
                print "graph_$key $value\n";
            } else {
                print "graph_$key $value\n";
        # Lets tell munin about our data values and how to treat them
        foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) {
            my %datasrc = %$dsrc;
            while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) {
                next if ($key eq 'name');
                next if (($sgraph eq 'slabevics') && (!exists($globalmap->{slabevics}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
                next if (($plugin eq 'commands') && (!exists($globalmap->{slabcmds}->{$dsrc->{name}})));
                print "$dsrc->{name}.$key $value\n";

=head1 Misc Subroutines

    These subroutines are misc ones, and are referenced inside of the code. They
    should never be called up by Munin.

=head2 get_conn

    This subroutine returns a socket connection


sub get_conn {
    my $s = undef;

    # check if we want to use sockets instead of tcp
    my ($sock) = ($host =~ /unix:\/\/(.+)*$/);

    if ($sock) {
       $s = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(
            Peer     => $sock
    } else {
       $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(
            Proto    => "tcp",
            PeerAddr => $host,
            PeerPort => $port,
            Timeout  => 10,
    return $s;

=head2 fetch_stats

    This subroutine fetches the information from memcached and stores it into our
    hashes for later referencing throughout the graph. Returns when completed


sub fetch_stats {
    # Lets try and connect to memcached
    my $s = get_conn();
    # Die if we can't establish a connection to memcached
    die "Error: Unable to Connect to $host\[:$port\]\n" unless $s;
    # Lets print the stats command and store the info from the output
    print $s "stats\r\n";
    while (my $line = <$s>) {
        if ($line =~ /STAT\s(.+?)\s((\w|\d|\S)+)/) {
            my ($skey,$svalue) = ($1,$2);
            $stats{$skey} = $svalue;
        last if $line =~ /^END/;
    # Lets print the stats settings command and store the info from the output
    print $s "stats settings\r\n";
    while (my $line = <$s>) {
        if ($line =~ /STAT\s(.+?)\s((\w|\d|\S)+)/) {
            my ($skey,$svalue) = ($1,$2);
            if ($skey eq 'evictions') {
                $skey = 'evictions_active';
            $stats{$skey} = $svalue;
        last if $line =~ /^END/;
    # Lets print the stats slabs command and store the info from the output
    print $s "stats slabs\r\n";
    while (my $line = <$s>) {
        if ($line =~ /STAT\s(\d+):(.+)\s(\d+)/) {
            my ($slabid,$slabkey,$slabvalue) = ($1,$2,$3);
            $chnks{$slabid}->{$slabkey} = $slabvalue;
        last if $line =~ /^END/;
    # Lets print the stats items command and store the info from the output
    print $s "stats items\r\n";
    while (my $line = <$s>) {
        if ($line =~ /STAT\sitems:(\d+):(.+?)\s(\d+)/) {
            my ($itemid,$itemkey,$itemvalue) = ($1,$2,$3);
            $items{$itemid}->{$itemkey} = $itemvalue;
        last if $line =~ /^END/;

=head2 time_scale

    This subroutine is here for me to adjust the timescale of the time graphs
    for last evicted item and age of eldest item in cache.

        Please note, after long usage I have noticed these counters may not
        be accurate, I believe the developers are aware and have submitted
        a patch upstream.


sub time_scale {
    # Lets get our config option and value to adjust
    my ($configopt,$origvalue) = (@_);
    my $value;
    # If config is defined, it returns the config info for time scale
    # If data is defined, it returns the original value after its been adjusted
    if ($configopt eq 'config') {
        if ($timescale == 1) {
            $value = "Seconds" . $origvalue;
        } elsif ($timescale == 2) {
            $value = "Minutes" . $origvalue;
        } elsif (($timescale == 3) || ($timescale > 4) || (!defined($timescale))) {
            $value = "Hours" . $origvalue;
        } elsif ($timescale == 4) {
            $value = "Days" . $origvalue;
    } elsif ($configopt eq 'data') {
        if ($timescale == 1) {
            $value = sprintf("%02.2f", $origvalue / 1);
        } elsif ($timescale == 2) {
            $value = sprintf("%02.2f", $origvalue / 60);
        } elsif (($timescale == 3) || ($timescale > 4) || (!defined($timescale))) {
            $value = sprintf("%02.2f", $origvalue / 3600);
        } elsif ($timescale == 4) {
            $value = sprintf("%02.2f", $origvalue / 86400);
    } else {
        die "Unknown time_scale option given: either [config/data]\n";
    return $value;

=head2 buildglobalmap

    This subroutine looks at the specified commands inputted, and generates
    a hashref containing two arrays, one for global command keys and one for
    slab command keys.


sub buildglobalmap {
    my $results;
    my @cmds = split(' ', $commands);
    foreach my $cmd ( @cmds ) {
        if ($cmd eq "get") {
            $results->{globalcmds}->{cmd_get} = 1;
            $results->{globalcmds}->{get_hits} = 1;
            $results->{globalcmds}->{get_misses} = 1;
            $results->{slabcmds}->{get_hits} = 1;
        } elsif ($cmd eq "set" ) {
            $results->{globalcmds}->{cmd_set} = 1;
            $results->{slabcmds}->{cmd_set} = 1;
        } elsif ($cmd eq "delete" ) {
            $results->{globalcmds}->{delete_hits} = 1;
            $results->{globalcmds}->{delete_misses} = 1;
            $results->{slabcmds}->{delete_hits} = 1;
        } elsif ($cmd eq "incr" ) {
            $results->{globalcmds}->{incr_hits} = 1;
            $results->{globalcmds}->{incr_misses} = 1;
            $results->{slabcmds}->{incr_hits} = 1;
        } elsif ($cmd eq "decr" ) {
            $results->{globalcmds}->{decr_hits} = 1;
            $results->{globalcmds}->{decr_misses} = 1;
            $results->{slabcmds}->{decr_hits} = 1;
        } elsif ($cmd eq "cas") {
            $results->{globalcmds}->{cas_hits} = 1;
            $results->{globalcmds}->{cas_misses} = 1;
            $results->{globalcmds}->{cas_badval} = 1;
            $results->{slabcmds}->{cas_hits} = 1;
            $results->{slabcmds}->{cas_badval} = 1;
        } elsif ($cmd eq "touch") {
            if ($stats{version} !~ /^1\.4\.[0-7]$/) {
                $results->{globalcmds}->{cmd_touch} = 1;
                $results->{globalcmds}->{touch_hits} = 1;
                $results->{globalcmds}->{touch_misses} = 1;
                $results->{slabcmds}->{touch_hits} = 1;
        } elsif ($cmd eq "flush") {
            if ($stats{version} !~ /^1\.4\.[0-7]$/) {
                $results->{globalcmds}->{cmd_flush} = 1;
        } else {
            # Do absolutely nothing...
    $results->{globalevics}->{evictions} = 1;
    $results->{globalevics}->{evicted_nonzero}= 1;
    $results->{slabevics}->{evicted} = 1;
    $results->{slabevics}->{evicted_nonzero} = 1;
    if ($stats{version} !~ /^1\.4\.[0-2]$/) {
        $results->{globalevics}->{reclaimed} = 1;
        $results->{slabevics}->{reclaimed} = 1;
    return $results;