Munin (contrib)
Last change
Graph Categories


Sadly there is no documentation for this plugin.

#! /usr/bin/perl
# This plugin based on http_responestime designed by Anders Nordby
# It is written to control the quality of an internet conneting by
# downloading a favicon.ico file from a lot - unlimited - count of
# domains.
# Don't forget zu fill in the following lines into the munin-node
# - ormally at /etc/muni/plugin-conf.d/ - an than restart munin
#   [multi_http_responsetime]
#   user root
#                                      Jo Hartmann (Version 08-0912)
# Now working under munin 1.4.5
#                                      Jo Hartmann (Version 11-0426)

use Sys::Hostname;
use Time::HiRes qw( time );
use IO::Socket;

# ----- config -----
push(@url_array, "");
push(@url_array, "");
push(@url_array, "");
push(@url_array, "");
push(@url_array, "");
$host = "localhost";
$comment = "HTTP-Ladezeiten von Web-Seiten";
#$host = hostname;
# ----- config -----

sub geturl {
	my $data;
	my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
					PeerAddr => $host,
					PeerPort => 80,
					Proto => 'tcp'
	return(0) unless ($sock);
	print $sock "GET $baseurl HTTP/1.1\nHost: $vhost\nConnection: close\n\n";
	while (<$sock>) {
		$data .= $_;

	# Debug
	#my @response = split(/\n/, $data);
	#my $httpresponse = $response[0];
	#$httpresponse =~ s@\r@@g;
	#print "HTTP response code: $httpresponse\n";

sub cktime {
	for ($i=0; $i <= $max_index; ++$i) {
		$url = $url_array[$i], "/favicon.ico";

		$vhost = $url;
		$vhost =~ s@^\w+://(.+?)/.*@\1@;

		$proto = $url;
		$proto =~ s@^(\w+)://.*@\1@;

		$baseurl = $url;
		$baseurl =~ s@^\w+://.+?(/)@\1@;

		$tick1 = time();
		$tick2 = time();

		$tspent = $tick2-$tick1;
		$msecs = ($tspent * 1000);

		printf "timespent$i.value %.3f\n", $msecs;

# Count of urls
	$max_index = $#url_array;

if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") {
	print "yes\n";
} elsif ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "config") {
	if ($comment) {
		print "graph_title $comment\n";
	} else {
		print "graph_title HTTP response time \n";
	print "graph_scale no\n";
	print "graph_vlabel ms\n";
	print "graph_category webserver\n";
	print "graph_info This graph shows the response time in milliseconds, to load a web page\n";
	for ($i=0; $i <= $max_index; ++$i) {
		$vhost = $url_array[$i];
		$proto = $url_array[$i];
		$vhost =~ s@^\w+://(.+?)/.*@\1@;
		$proto =~ s@^(\w+)://.*@\1@;

# If url_array[] is a domain, vhost will be contain the the strinf "http://"
		if($vhost =~ /http/) {
		 	print "timespent$i.label $vhost\n";
		} else {
		 	print "timespent$i.label $proto://$vhost\n";

	 	print "timespent$ Ladezeit von $url_array[$i]/favicon.ico\n";
		print "timespent$i.type GAUGE\n";
		print "timespent$i.graph yes\n";
} else {