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multi_snmp_querier - Munin plugin to query several SNMP hosts


This plugin is meant to be called from Munin. You should at least set the ‘hosts’ environment variable from Munin’s configuration (i.e. /etc/munin/munin.conf) to specify which hosts and how to query.


This plugin expects to receive the following environment variables:
  • snmp_oid

    Which SNMP OID should we query on; it defaults to (total printed pages - of course, it only makes sense to query a printer on this ;-) ).

    Other known and useful OIDs for printers are (total number of pages printed with this toner cartridge), (total projected capacity of this toner cartridge - Note that for many makers, the literal ‘-2’ is returning, meaning more or less “I don’t know”), You might also be interested in (toner type this printer uses), although as it is a constant string and not indicative of any kind of value, there’s no use in putting it into Munin (at least, not via this plugin).

    Appropriate labels will be given when Munin requests for configuration on the above mentioned OIDs - Of course, other OIDs will get far more generic labels.

  • hosts (REQUIRED!)

    Comma-separated list of hosts to send SNMP queries to. You can specify SNMP port and community to each of the hosts by listing them as community@host:port - Community defaults to public, port defaults to 161. The following is a valid hosts declaration:

      hosts=',, private@'

    It will query host on port 161 with the ‘private’ community, host on port 162 with the ‘private’ community and host on port 161 with the ‘public’ community.

Depends On

Net::Ping, Net::SNMP

See Also

munin, munin-node

to Do

Add a mechanism to specify the labels for unknown OIDs


Gunnar Wolf

Copyright 2008 Gunnar Wolf, Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas, UNAM. This plugin is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991, or any later version (at your choice).

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME

multi_snmp_querier - Munin plugin to query several SNMP hosts


This plugin is meant to be called from Munin. You should at least set the
'hosts' environment variable from Munin's configuration (i.e.
/etc/munin/munin.conf) to specify which hosts and how to query.


 This plugin expects to receive the following environment variables:

=over 4

=item snmp_oid

Which SNMP OID should we query on; it defaults to (total printed pages - of course, it only
makes sense to query a printer on this ;-) ).

Other known and useful OIDs for printers are (total number of pages printed with this
toner cartridge), (total projected
capacity of this toner cartridge - Note that for many makers, the
literal '-2' is returning, meaning more or less "I don't know"), You
might also be interested in (toner type
this printer uses), although as it is a constant string and not
indicative of any kind of value, there's no use in putting it into
Munin (at least, not via this plugin).

Appropriate labels will be given when Munin requests for configuration
on the above mentioned OIDs - Of course, other OIDs will get far more
generic labels.

=item hosts (REQUIRED!)

Comma-separated list of hosts to send SNMP queries to. You can specify
SNMP port and community to each of the hosts by listing them as
community@host:port - Community defaults to public, port defaults to
161. The following is a valid hosts declaration:

    hosts=',, private@'

It will query host on port 161 with the 'private'
community, host on port 162 with the 'private' community
and host on port 161 with the 'public' community.



L<Net::Ping>, L<Net::SNMP>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<munin>, L<munin-node>

=head1 TO DO

Add a mechanism to specify the labels for unknown OIDs

=head1 AUTHOR

Gunnar Wolf <>


Copyright 2008 Gunnar Wolf, Instituto de Investigaciones
Economicas, UNAM. This plugin is Free Software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
dated June, 1991, or any later version (at your choice).

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,


use strict;
use Net::SNMP;
use Net::Ping;

my (%defaults, @hosts, $oid, %known_oids, $VERSION, $cmd_arg);

$VERSION = '1.0'; # No, not a module, not used in any way - but where else? :)

%defaults = (community => 'public',
	     timeout => 1,
	     port => 161,
	     oid => '');

@hosts     = get_hosts($ENV{hosts});
$oid = $ENV{snmp_oid} || $defaults{oid};

%known_oids = ('' =>
	       { title => 'Pages',
		 vlabel => 'Printed pages',
		 category => 'printing',
		 info => 'Returns the total number of printed pages per defined printer',
		 total => 'Total',
		 units => 'pages'
	       '' =>
	       { title => 'Total projected capacity of this cartridge',
		 vlabel => 'Total capacity',
		 category => 'printing',
		 info => 'Returns the total projected capacity (in pages) of '.
		     'the currently installed cartridge',
		 total => 'Total',
		 units => 'pages'
	       '' =>
	       { title => 'Pages printed with this cartridge',
		 vlabel => 'Printed pages',
		 category => 'printing',
		 info => 'Returns the total number of printed pages per ' .
		     'defined printer with the current cartridge',
		 total => 'Total',
		 units => 'pages'
	       'default' =>
	       { title => "Results for SNMP OID $oid",
		 vlabel => 'units',
		 category => 'Other',
		 info => "Results for SNMP OID $oid",
		 total => 'Total',
		 units => 'units'

die "Hosts not set - cannot continue" unless @hosts;

$cmd_arg = $ARGV[0] || '';
if($cmd_arg eq "config") {
    my $labels = $known_oids{$oid} || $known_oids{default};
    # See for
    # explanation on the following fields
    print "graph_title $labels->{title}\n";
    print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
    print "graph_vlabel $labels->{vlabel}\n";
    print "graph_scale no\n";
    print "graph_category $labels->{category}\n";
    print "graph_info $labels->{info}\n";
    print "graph_total $labels->{total}\n";
    for my $host (@hosts) {
	my $addr = host_label_for($host->{addr});
	print "${addr}_pages.label $addr\n";
	print "${addr}_pages.draw AREA\n";
	print "${addr}_pages.type DERIVE\n";
	print "${addr} $labels->{units} per minute\n";

    exit 0;
} elsif ($cmd_arg eq 'autoconf') {
    print "yes\n";
    exit 0;

for my $host (@hosts) {
    my ($data, $addr);
    $data = get_value_for($host);
    $addr = host_label_for($host->{addr});
    # We only use N/A as an internal marker - It would just confuse RRD.
    next if $data eq 'N/A';
    print "${addr}_pages.value $data\n";

exit 0;

sub ck_alive{
    my ($host, $ping);
    $host = shift;
    $ping = Net::Ping->new("tcp", 1);

sub get_hosts {
    # Hosts are defined in the 'hosts' environment variable. It's a list of
    # hosts (and optionally ports) - We parse the list and arrange it neatly
    # to be easily consumed.
    my ($hostsdef, @hosts);
    $hostsdef = shift;

    for my $host (split(/,/, $hostsdef)) {
	$host =~ s/\s//g;

	$host =~ /^(?:(.*)@)?

	push @hosts, {community => $1 || $defaults{community},
		      addr => $2,
		      port => $3 || $defaults{port} };


    return @hosts;

sub get_value_for {
    my ($host, $snmp, $data);
    $host = shift;

    ck_alive($host->{addr}) or return 'N/A';

    $snmp = setup_snmp($host);
    $data = $snmp->get_request($oid);

    return 'N/A' unless $data->{$oid};
    return $data->{$oid};

sub setup_snmp {
    my ($host, $session, $error);
    $host = shift;
    ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $host->{addr},
					     -port => $host->{port},
					     -community => $host->{community},
					     -timeout => $defaults{timeout} );

    $session or die "Error before query $host->{addr}:$host->{port}: $error";
    return $session;

sub host_label_for {
    my ($addr);
    $addr = 'src_' . shift;
    $addr =~ s/\./_/g; # Periods not allowed in variable names
    return $addr;

# for Munin Plugin Gallery
# graph_category printing