Munin (contrib)
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Graph Categories


Sadly there is no documentation for this plugin.


# Plugin to monitor Postgresql memory usage; gives number of blocks
# read from disk and from memory, showing how much of the database is
# served from Postgresql's memory buffer.
# PLEASE NOTE: This plugin may not present the whole truth - the truth
# may actually be even better than this plugin will show you! That is
# because Postgresql statistics only considers memory block reads from
# its own allocated memory. When Postgresql reads from disk, it may
# actually still be read from memory, but from the _kernel_'s
# memory. Summarily, your database server may run even better than
# this plugin will indicate. See
# for a (short) description.
# Copyright Bjørn Ruberg <> 2006
# Licensed under GPL v2.
# Usage:
#       Symlink into /etc/munin/plugins/ and add the monitored
#       database to the filename. e.g.:
#       ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/postgres_block_read_ \
#         /etc/munin/plugins/postgres_block_read_SomeDatabase
#       This should, however, be given through autoconf and suggest.
#       If required, give username, password and/or Postgresql server
#       host through environment variables.
#       You must also activate Postgresql statistics. See
#       for how to enable this. Specifically, the following lines must
#       exist in your postgresql.conf:
#           stats_start_collector = true
#           stats_block_level = true
# Parameters:
#       config   (required)
# Config variables:
#       dbhost     - Which database server to use. Defaults to
#                    'localhost'.
#       dbuser     - A Postgresql user account with read permission to
#                    the given database. Defaults to
#                    'postgres'. Anyway, Munin must be told which user
#                    this plugin should be run as.
#       dbpass     - The corresponding password, if
#                    applicable. Default to undef. Remember that
#                    pg_hba.conf must be configured accordingly.
# Magic markers
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest

use strict;
use DBI;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw ( $debug $suggest $configure $dbh );

# Need these variables at an early stage to enable
# autoconf and suggest
my $dbhost = $ENV{'dbhost'} || ''; # Connect to localhost by default
my $dbname = $ENV{'dbname'} || 'template1';
my $dbuser = $ENV{'dbuser'} || 'postgres';
my $dbpass = $ENV{'dbpass'} || '';

if (exists $ARGV[0]) {
    if ($ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf') {
        # Check for DBD::Pg
        if (! eval "require DBD::Pg;") {
            print "no (DBD::Pg not found)";
            exit 0;
        # Then we try to detect Postgres presence by connecting to
        # 'template1'.
        my $dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=template1";
        $dsn .= ";host=$dbhost" if $dbhost;
        my $tempdbh = DBI->connect ($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass);
        if ($tempdbh) {
            print "yes\n";
            exit 0;
        } else {
            print "no (Can't connect to given host, please check environment settings)\n";
            exit 0;
    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'debug') {
        # Set debug flag
        $debug = 1;
    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'config') {
        # Set config flag
        $configure = 1;
    } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'suggest') {
        # doesn't always work
        my @datasources = DBI->data_sources ('Pg');
        foreach my $dsn (grep !/\=template\d$/, @datasources) {
            (my $db = $dsn) =~ s/^.*=//;
            print "$db\n";
        exit 0;

# Must do this here, after checking for autoconf/suggest/etc, because the
# plugin must be able to run before it is linked to the databases.
my (undef, undef, undef, $dbname) = split (/_/, $0, 4);
die "No dbname configured (did you make the proper symlink?)" unless $dbname;

my @datasources = DBI->data_sources ('Pg')
    or die ("Can't read any possible data sources: $?");

my $dsn = "DBI:Pg:dbname=$dbname";
$dsn .= ";host=$dbhost" if $dbhost;
print "#$dsn\n" if $debug;
my $dbh = DBI->connect ($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, {RaiseError =>1});
unless($dbh) {
    die("Database $dbname\@$dbhost (". $DBI::errstr .")\n");

if ($configure) {
    print <<EOF;
graph_title Postgres data reads from $dbname
graph_args --base 1000
graph_vlabel Blocks read per \${graph_period}
graph_category db
graph_info Shows number of blocks read from disk and from memory
from_disk.label Read from disk Read from disk
from_disk.type DERIVE
from_disk.min 0
from_disk.draw AREA
from_memory.label Cached in memory Cached in memory
from_memory.type DERIVE
from_memory.min 0
from_memory.draw STACK
} else {
    my $sql  = "SELECT (SUM (heap_blks_read) + SUM (idx_blks_read) + ";
    $sql .= "SUM (toast_blks_read) + SUM (tidx_blks_read)) AS disk, ";
    $sql .= "(SUM (heap_blks_hit) +SUM (idx_blks_hit) + ";
    $sql .= "SUM (toast_blks_hit) + SUM (tidx_blks_hit)) AS mem ";
    $sql .= "from pg_statio_user_tables ";
    print "# $sql\n" if $debug;
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($sql);
    if ($sth->rows > 0) {
        printf ("# Rows: %d\n",  $sth->rows) if $debug;
	my ($disk, $mem) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
	print "from_disk.value $disk\n";
	print "from_memory.value $mem\n";