- Repository
- Munin (contrib)
- Last change
- 2020-10-28
- Graph Categories
- Keywords
- Language
- Python (3.x)
- License
- Authors

puppetdb - Create a graph out of PuppetDB’s JVM memory usage.
This plugin does not need to run with a privileged user.
By default, the plugin will send requests to a PuppetDB instance on localhost.
Plugin configuration parameters:
* pdburl:
Set the URL to your PuppetDB instance. This url should point to the mbeans
endpoint. By default this has a value of
* timeout:
Time in seconds (int) to wait for a result when querying the REST API. By
default, wait for 2 seconds
* ca:
Path to the Certificate Authority used for verifying a cert received from
the PuppetDB server during an https connection. This can be useful if the
cert used by PuppetDB was signed by the puppetmaster's CA. This option is
not necessary if a plaintext connection is used (e.g. if pdburl starts
with 'http://').
* cert:
Path to the TLS certificate file used for establishing client
communication for an https connection. This option should be paired with
the `key` option. This option is not necessary if a plaintext connection
is used (e.g. if pdburl starts with 'http://').
* key:
Path to the TLS private key used for establishing client communication for
an https connection. This option should be paired with the `cert` option.
This option is not necessary if a plaintext connection is used (e.g. if
pdburl starts with 'http://').
env.pdburl https://puppetdb.example.com:8080/metrics/v1/mbeans
env.timeout 5
env.ca /etc/puppetboard/ca.pem
env.cert /etc/puppetboard/client_cert.pem
env.key /etc/puppetboard/client_key.pem
* PuppetDB 6.x: https://puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/6.0/api/metrics/v1/mbeans.html#jvm-metrics
Copyright (c) 2020, Gabriel Filion, gabster@lelutin.ca
This code is licensed under GPLv3+
#!/usr/bin/env python3
=head1 NAME
puppetdb - Create a graph out of PuppetDB's JVM memory usage.
This plugin does not need to run with a privileged user.
By default, the plugin will send requests to a PuppetDB instance on localhost.
Plugin configuration parameters:
* pdburl:
Set the URL to your PuppetDB instance. This url should point to the mbeans
endpoint. By default this has a value of
* timeout:
Time in seconds (int) to wait for a result when querying the REST API. By
default, wait for 2 seconds
* ca:
Path to the Certificate Authority used for verifying a cert received from
the PuppetDB server during an https connection. This can be useful if the
cert used by PuppetDB was signed by the puppetmaster's CA. This option is
not necessary if a plaintext connection is used (e.g. if pdburl starts
with 'http://').
* cert:
Path to the TLS certificate file used for establishing client
communication for an https connection. This option should be paired with
the `key` option. This option is not necessary if a plaintext connection
is used (e.g. if pdburl starts with 'http://').
* key:
Path to the TLS private key used for establishing client communication for
an https connection. This option should be paired with the `cert` option.
This option is not necessary if a plaintext connection is used (e.g. if
pdburl starts with 'http://').
env.pdburl https://puppetdb.example.com:8080/metrics/v1/mbeans
env.timeout 5
env.ca /etc/puppetboard/ca.pem
env.cert /etc/puppetboard/client_cert.pem
env.key /etc/puppetboard/client_key.pem
* PuppetDB 6.x: https://puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/6.0/api/metrics/v1/mbeans.html#jvm-metrics
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (c) 2020, Gabriel Filion, gabster@lelutin.ca
=head1 LICENSE
This code is licensed under GPLv3+
import os
import sys
import requests
class WrongStatusCode(Exception):
def rest_request(url, timeout, ca, key_pair):
"""Make a GET request to URL. We expect a 200 response.
This function will let exceptions from requests raise through to indicate
request failure.
If response code is not 200, it will raise a WrongStatusCode exception.
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8'}
ssl_options = {}
if ca:
ssl_options['verify'] = ca
if key_pair:
ssl_options['cert'] = key_pair
resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, **ssl_options)
if resp.status_code != 200:
err = f"GET Request to '{url}' returned code {resp.status_code}; expected 200." # noqa: E501
raise WrongStatusCode(err)
return resp
def config():
"""Print all graph configuration for munin."""
print("graph_title PuppetDB JVM Memory usage")
print("graph_args --base 1024")
print("graph_vlabel Bytes")
print("graph_info This graph shows how much memory from the JVM "
+ "Heapspace is being used by PuppetDB")
print("graph_category other")
print("graph_order jvm_mem_max jvm_mem_committed jvm_mem_used")
# Fields
print("jvm_mem_max.min 0")
print("jvm_mem_max.label JVM Max mem")
print("jvm_mem_max.info Maximum memory allocated to the JVM")
print("jvm_mem_committed.label JVM Committed mem")
print("jvm_mem_committed.min 0")
print("jvm_mem_committed.info Memory currently committed by the JVM")
print("jvm_mem_used.label JVM Used mem")
print("jvm_mem_used.min 0")
print("jvm_mem_used.info Memory currently used by objects in the JVM")
print("jvm_mem_used.draw AREA")
def fetch_field_values(mbeans_url, timeout, ca, key_pair):
"""Get values from PuppetDB and print them out."""
memory_url = f"{mbeans_url}/java.lang:type=Memory"
mem_req = rest_request(memory_url, timeout, ca, key_pair)
except Exception as e:
print(f"HTTP Request did not complete successfully: {e}",
memory = mem_req.json()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Could not parse JSON, can't find the info we need: {e}",
heap = memory['HeapMemoryUsage']
mem_max = heap['max']
mem_committed = heap['committed']
mem_used = heap['used']
except Exception as e:
print(f"Memory values were not found in the reply JSON: {e}",
print(f"jvm_mem_max.value {mem_max}")
print(f"jvm_mem_committed.value {mem_committed}")
print(f"jvm_mem_used.value {mem_used}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
mbeans_url = os.environ.get('pdburl', 'http://localhost:8080/metrics/v1/mbeans')
timeout = int(os.environ.get('timeout', '2'))
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Invalid value for timeout: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
ca = os.environ.get('ca', None)
if ca:
if not os.path.exists(ca):
print(f"CA file '{ca}' not found.", file=sys.stderr)
cert = os.environ.get('cert', None)
key = os.environ.get('key', None)
if cert or key:
if cert and key:
if not os.path.exists(cert):
print(f"Certificate file '{cert}' not found.", file=sys.stderr)
if not os.path.exists(key):
print(f"Key file '{key}' not found.", file=sys.stderr)
print("Only one of 'cert' and 'key' supplied. "
"Both are needed for client authentication.",
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf':
dummy = rest_request(mbeans_url, timeout, ca, (cert, key))
except Exception as e:
print(f"no ({e})")
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
fetch_field_values(mbeans_url, timeout, ca, (cert, key))