- Repository
- Munin (contrib)
- Last change
- 2018-08-02
- Keywords
- Language
Sadly there is no documentation for this plugin.
* SolR Plugin
* author : nicolas.moussikian@shopbot-inc.com
* This plugin allows to graph any data present in the stats report on a multi core SolR instance
* AKA :[name of the core]/admin/stats.jsp
* Verify the server where the munin-node instance is can access that URL
* You need to have a PHP 5.2.6+ CLI installed too
* Once the plugin is available you can simlink it with the following naming convention :
* solr-[name of the core]-[name of the stats section - ex.: CORE]-[name of the entry in the xml - ex.: searcher]-[name of the stat to graph - ex.: numDocs]
$action = empty($argv[1]) ? '' : $argv[1];
$tabParams = explode('-', $argv[0]);
$core = $tabParams[1];
$category = $tabParams[2];
$item = $tabParams[3];
$property = $tabParams[4];
if('config' === $action)
echo 'graph_category search ' . $core . "\n";
echo 'graph_title ' . $item . ' ' . $property . "\n";
echo 'graph_vlabel ' . $property . "\n";
echo $core . $item . $property . 'solr.label ' . $property . "\n";
$file = '' . $core . '/admin/stats.jsp';
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
$elements = $xpath->query('/solr/solr-info/' . $category . '/entry');
foreach($elements as $element)
if($item == trim($element->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->textContent))
$stats = $element->getElementsByTagName('stat');
foreach($stats as $stat)
if($property == trim($stat->getAttribute('name')))
echo $core . $item . $property . 'solr.value ' . floatval(trim($stat->textContent)) . "\n";