- Repository
- Munin (master)
- Last change
- 2018-08-17
- Graph Categories
- Family
- legacy
- Capabilities
- Keywords
- Language
- Perl
- License
- GPL-2.0-only
- Authors

iostat - Munin plugin to monitor io-bound traffic (in blocks) on disks
Applicable Systems
Linux systems.
The plugin detects block devices from /proc/diskstat or /proc/stat. By default it will only show un-numbered devices such as sda and not sda0. By setting
env.include_only sda,sdb
it will show numbered devices. This is sometimes needed in virtualized environments (e.g. Xen) where sda1 to sda<n> exists but not sda. In a virtualized environment this is useful to show which guest OS/dom-U IO-traffic originates in.
Link this plugin to /etc/munin/plugins/ and restart the munin-node.
To be written…
Magic Markers
#%# family=legacy
#%# capabilities=autoconf
This plugin has been in Munin since it was called “LRRD”. The log for this file shows that there was a rewrite by Mike Fedyk applied in January 2004. We have no other records of who wrote it.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 NAME
iostat - Munin plugin to monitor io-bound traffic (in blocks) on disks
Linux systems.
The plugin detects block devices from /proc/diskstat or /proc/stat.
By default it will only show un-numbered devices such as sda and not
sda0. By setting
env.include_only sda,sdb
it will show numbered devices. This is sometimes needed in
virtualized environments (e.g. Xen) where sda1 to sda<n> exists but
not sda. In a virtualized environment this is useful to show which
guest OS/dom-U IO-traffic originates in.
=head1 USAGE
Link this plugin to /etc/munin/plugins/ and restart the munin-node.
To be written...
#%# family=legacy
#%# capabilities=autoconf
=head1 AUTHOR
This plugin has been in Munin since it was called "LRRD". The log for
this file shows that there was a rewrite by Mike Fedyk applied in
January 2004. We have no other records of who wrote it.
=head1 LICENSE
use strict;
use Munin::Plugin;
my $include_only = $ENV{'include_only'} || "";
my $detailed_present = 0;
my $stat_present = 0;
my $include_numbered = 0; # By default we want sda but not sda1
if (defined $ENV{'SHOW_NUMBERED'}) {
$include_numbered = $ENV{'SHOW_NUMBERED'};
if (system("grep -q '' /proc/diskstats > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0 ||
system("grep -q 'rio rmerge rsect ruse wio wmerge wsect wuse running use aveq' /proc/partitions > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0) {
$detailed_present = 1;
} elsif (system("grep -q '^disk_io: [^ ]' /proc/stat") == 0) {
$stat_present = 1;
if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") {
if ($detailed_present eq 1 || $stat_present eq 1) {
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
print "no\n";
exit 0;
my %devs;
if ($detailed_present eq 1) {
} elsif ($stat_present eq 1) {
# Falling back to /proc/stat
if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") {
print "graph_title IOstat\n";
print "graph_args --base 1024 -l 0\n";
print "graph_vlabel blocks per \${graph_period} read (-) / written (+)\n";
print "graph_category disk\n";
print "graph_total Total\n" if (keys (%devs) > 1);
print "graph_info This graph shows the I/O to and from block devices.\n";
print "graph_order";
foreach my $key (sort by_dev keys %devs) {
print " ", $key, "_read ", $key, "_write ";
print "\n";
foreach my $key (sort by_dev keys %devs) {
print $key . "_read.label $devs{$key}->{name}\n";
print $key . "_read.type DERIVE\n";
print $key . "_read.min 0\n";
print $key . "_read.graph no\n";
print $key . "_write.label $devs{$key}->{name}\n";
print $key . "_write.info I/O on device $devs{$key}->{name}\n";
print $key . "_write.type DERIVE\n";
print $key . "_write.min 0\n";
print $key . "_write.negative " . $key . "_read\n";
print_thresholds($key . "_read");
print_thresholds($key . "_write");
exit 0;
foreach my $key (sort by_dev keys %devs) {
print $key, "_read.value ", $devs{$key}->{rsect}, "\n";
print $key, "_write.value ", $devs{$key}->{wsect}, "\n";
sub by_dev {
return $a cmp $b;
sub fetch_stat() {
open (IN, "/proc/stat") or
die "Could not open /proc/stat for reading: $!\n";
while (<IN>) {
next unless (/^disk_io:\s*(.+)\s*/);
foreach my $dev (split /\s+/) {
next unless $dev =~ /\S/;
next unless ($dev =~ /\((\d+),(\d+)\):\(\d+,(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)/);
my $name = "dev".$1."_".$2;
next if ($include_only ne "" and $include_only !~ $name);
$devs{$name} =
name => $name,
rio => $3,
rsect => $4,
wio => $5,
wsect => $6
close (IN);
my %maj_count;
sub get_disk_count() {
my @disk_count;
my $major = $_[0];
$maj_count{$major} = 0 unless exists($maj_count{$major});
$disk_count[0] = $maj_count{$major}++;
die "Could not find disk_count for major: $major"
unless (exists($disk_count[0]));
return $disk_count[0];
sub fetch_detailed() {
if (open(DETAILED, "/proc/diskstats") or
open(DETAILED, "/proc/partitions")) {
while (<DETAILED>) {
if (/^\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s*\d*\s+([[:alpha:][:digit:]\/]+)\s+(.*)/) {
my @fields = split(/\s+/, $3);
my $tmpnam = $2;
my $major = $1;
if ($tmpnam =~ /\d+$/ and !$include_numbered) {
# Special case for devices like cXdXpX,
# like the cciss driver
next unless $tmpnam =~ /\/c\d+d\d+$/
next unless grep { $_ } @fields;
$tmpnam =~ s/\/[[:alpha:]]+(\d+)/\/$1/g;
$tmpnam =~ s/^([^\/]+)\//$1/;
$tmpnam =~ s/\/disc$//;
next if ($include_only ne "" and $include_only !~ $tmpnam);
$devs{"dev".$major."_".&get_disk_count($major)} =
major => $major,
name => $tmpnam,
rio => $fields[0],
rmerge => $fields[1],
rsect => $fields[2],
ruse => $fields[3],
wio => $fields[4],
wmerge => $fields[5],
wsect => $fields[6],
wuse => $fields[7],
running => $fields[8],
use => $fields[9],
aveq => $fields[10]
close (DETAILED);