Munin (master)
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Graph Categories



proc - Munin plugin to monitor various aspects of named processes

Applicable Systems

Processes running under Linux for a longer timespan.


The plugin needs to be able to parse the /proc-filesystem.

The plugin is configured by supplying a pipe-delimitered list of parameters through environment variables. [proc] env.procname proc1|proc2|proc3 env.procargs |–run| env.procuser joe||mary env.procaspect cpu|memory|ctxt_switches|threads|processes|io

env.procname defines the processname as seen inside the parenthesis of the second column in /proc//stat. If you don’t get the data you expect, you can check if the value is what you expect here. This is what’s used for the first filter, and args/user-filters are then applied on top of this filter. Note that is the PID of the process that you are interested in. For process names including non-alphanumeric characters (like space, dash, etc.) please see Special Process Names below.

env.procargs defines a string which is matched against the command line of the process. It’s a wildcard match, so you don’t have to provide the entire argument list if there’s only one key option you care about filtering on.

env.procuser defines the user the process has to run as. If nothing is provided, processes ran by any user are included.

env.procaspect defines which graphs to render. Per default, all graphs are included. You don’t have to set this unless you want to exclude graphs.

Special Process Names

If the process name (in env.procname) contains any characters other than [a-zA-Z_], they will be internally replaced by underscores ('_'). This is normally not a problem, unless you are setting warning/critical levels.

For example, let’s say you have Plex Media Server running and you want to monitor how many processes it has running. The name that shows up in /proc is ‘Plex Media Serv’ (truncated, without the ‘er’ at the end), the internal field becomes: ‘Plex_Media_Serv’.

In order to let munin give a warning when the number of processes is outside the range 1:3, use the following in your munin configuration file (not the plugin configuration file):

   proc_processes.Plex_Media_Serv.warning 1:3

Please keep in mind that you still need the original name from /proc/pid/stat (including spaces or dashes) in your plugin configuration file:

   env.procname proc1|Plex Media Serv|proc2


Each graph uses data from the proc filesystem.

Magic Markers

#%# family=manual
#%# capabilities=autoconf multigraph


The graphs will be misleading in an event where you have multiple processes monitored, but less then all of them is restarted (or exits). This is due to the nature of counters, and I need to track state of individual processes to do this in a reliable way. It’s on my TODO, but has a low priority as I consider this plugin something for graphing daemons.


The munin-project.


Trygve Vea Kristian Lyngstøl


Thanks to Kristian Lyngstøl, I stole most of the initial code in this plugin from his varnish_-plugin, which is a really nice outline of how a wildcardplugin should look like. I’ve added some weird hacks to make it output multigraph. It’s pretty ugly, but it works.



# proc_ - Munin plugin to for Process information
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Redpill Linpro AS
# Author: Trygve Vea <>
# Author: Kristian Lyngstøl <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

=head1 NAME

proc - Munin plugin to monitor various aspects of named processes


Processes running under Linux for a longer timespan.


The plugin needs to be able to parse the /proc-filesystem.

The plugin is configured by supplying a pipe-delimitered list of parameters
through environment variables.
     env.procname proc1|proc2|proc3
     env.procargs |--run|
     env.procuser joe||mary
     env.procaspect cpu|memory|ctxt_switches|threads|processes|io

env.procname defines the processname as seen inside the parenthesis of the
second column in /proc/<PID>/stat. If you don't get the data you expect, you
can check if the value is what you expect here. This is what's used for the
first filter, and args/user-filters are then applied on top of this filter.
Note that <PID> is the PID of the process that you are interested in.
For process names including non-alphanumeric characters (like space, dash,
etc.) please see Special Process Names below.

env.procargs defines a string which is matched against the command line of the
process.  It's a wildcard match, so you don't have to provide the entire
argument list if there's only one key option you care about filtering on.

env.procuser defines the user the process has to run as. If nothing is
provided, processes ran by any user are included.

env.procaspect defines which graphs to render. Per default, all graphs are
included. You don't have to set this unless you want to exclude graphs.


If the process name (in env.procname) contains any characters other than
[a-zA-Z_], they will be internally replaced by underscores ('_'). This is
normally not a problem, unless you are setting warning/critical levels.

For example, let's say you have Plex Media Server running and you want
to monitor how many processes it has running. The name that shows up in /proc
is 'Plex Media Serv' (truncated, without the 'er' at the end), the internal
field becomes: 'Plex_Media_Serv'.

In order to let munin give a warning when the number of processes is outside
the range 1:3, use the following in your munin configuration file (not the
plugin configuration file):

     proc_processes.Plex_Media_Serv.warning 1:3

Please keep in mind that you still need the original name from /proc/pid/stat
(including spaces or dashes) in your plugin configuration file:

     env.procname proc1|Plex Media Serv|proc2


Each graph uses data from the proc filesystem.


 #%# family=manual
 #%# capabilities=autoconf multigraph

=head1 BUGS

The graphs will be misleading in an event where you have multiple
processes monitored, but less then all of them is restarted (or exits). This
is due to the nature of counters, and I need to track state of individual
processes to do this in a reliable way. It's on my TODO, but has a low priority
as I consider this plugin something for graphing daemons.


The munin-project.

=head1 AUTHOR

Trygve Vea <>
Kristian Lyngstøl <>

=head1 THANKS

Thanks to Kristian Lyngstøl, I stole most of the initial code in this plugin
from his varnish_-plugin, which is a really nice outline of how a
wildcardplugin should look like. I've added some weird hacks to make it output
multigraph. It's pretty ugly, but it works.

=head1 LICENSE



use strict;
use Munin::Plugin;

# Set to 1 to enable output when a variable is defined in a graph but
# omitted because it doesn't exist in varnishstat.
my $DEBUG = 0;

# You should set the env-var "procname" to filter processes of their name.
# This will default to "init" unless you specify anything else.
my @procname = split(/\|/, $ENV{'procname'});
my @procargs = split(/\|/, $ENV{'procargs'});
my @procuser = split(/\|/, $ENV{'procuser'});
my @procaspect = exists $ENV{'procaspect'} ? split(/\|/, $ENV{'procaspect'}) : ('cpu', 'memory', 'ctxt_switches', 'threads', 'processes', 'io');
my @proctitlec;
my @procuniq;

#my $procname = exists $ENV{'procname'} ? $ENV{'procname'} : "init";

# You can set the env-var "procargs" to filter processes of their running
# arguments.
#my $args = exists $ENV{'procargs'} ? $ENV{'procargs'} : undef;

my %procstats = ();
my $self;
my $i = 0;

# Parameters that can be defined on top level of a graph. Config will print
# them as "graph_$foo $value\n"
my @graph_parameters = ('title','total','order','scale','vlabel','args');

# Parameters that can be defined on a value-to-value basis and will be
# blindly passed to config. Printed as "$fieldname.$param $value\n".
my @field_parameters = ('graph', 'min', 'max', 'draw', 'cdef', 'warning',
                        'colour', 'info', 'type', 'negative');
# Data structure that defines all possible graphs (aspects) and how they
# are to be plotted. Every top-level entry is a graph/aspect. Each top-level graph
# MUST have title set and 'values'.
# 'rpn' on values allows easy access to graphs consisting of multiple
# values from procstats. (Reverse polish notation). The RPN
# implementation only accepts +-*/ and procstats-values.
# Any value left undefined will be left up to Munin to define/ignore/yell
# about.
# See munin documentation or rrdgraph/rrdtool for more information.
my %ASPECTS = (
    'cpu' => {
        'title' => "CPU Usage",
        'vlabel' => '%',
        'order' => 'stime utime',
        'args' => '-l 0',
        'values' => {
            'utime' => {
                'type' => 'DERIVE',
                'min' => '0',
                'label' => 'User time',
                'draw' => 'AREASTACK'
            'stime' => {
                'type' => 'DERIVE',
                'min' => '0',
                'label' => 'System time',
                'draw' => 'AREASTACK'
    'ctxt_switches' => {
        'title' => "Context switches",
        'vlabel' => 'ctxt switches p.s.',
        'values' => {
            'voluntary_ctxt_switches' => {
                'type' => 'DERIVE',
                'min' => '0',
                'label' => 'Voluntary Context Switches'
            'nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches' => {
                'type' => 'DERIVE',
                'min' => '0',
                'label' => 'Nonvoluntary Context Switches'
    'threads' => {
        'title' => "Thread count",
        'vlabel' => 'count',
        'values' => {
            'threads' => {
                'type' => 'GAUGE',
                'label' => 'Number of threads'
    'processes' => {
        'title' => "Process count",
        'vlabel' => 'count',
        'values' => {
            'processes' => {
                'type' => 'GAUGE',
                'label' => 'Number of processes'
    'memory' => {
        'title' => "Memory usage",
        'vlabel' => 'bytes',
        'order' => 'VmStk VmExe VmLib VmData VmRSS VmSize',
        'args' => '-l 0',
        'values' => {
            'VmSize' => {
                'type' => 'GAUGE',
                'label' => 'Virtual Memory Size'
            'VmRSS' => {
                'type' => 'GAUGE',
                'label' => 'Resident set size',
            'VmData' => {
                'type' => 'GAUGE',
                'label' => 'Data size',
            'VmStk' => {
                'type' => 'GAUGE',
                'label' => 'Stack size',
            'VmExe' => {
                'type' => 'GAUGE',
                'label' => 'Segments size',
            'VmLib' => {
                'type' => 'GAUGE',
                'label' => 'Shared library size',
    'io' => {
        'title' => "I/O activity",
        'vlabel' => '(-) reads / (+) writes',
        'args' => '-l 0',
        'values' => {
            'rchar' => {
                'type' => 'DERIVE',
                'label' => 'bytes read',
                'min' => '0',
                'graph' => 'no'
            'wchar' => {
                'type' => 'DERIVE',
                'label' => 'characters',
                'min' => '0',
#                'label' => 'bytes written',
                'negative' => 'rchar'
            'syscr' => {
                'type' => 'DERIVE',
                'label' => 'read syscalls',
                'min' => '0',
                'graph' => 'no'
            'syscw' => {
                'type' => 'DERIVE',
                'label' => 'syscalls',
                'min' => '0',
#                'label' => 'write syscalls',
                'negative' => 'syscr'
            'read_bytes' => {
                'type' => 'DERIVE',
                'label' => 'read bytes',
                'min' => '0',
                'graph' => 'no'
            'write_bytes' => {
                'type' => 'DERIVE',
                'label' => 'bytes',
                'min' => '0',
#                'label' => 'write bytes',
                'negative' => 'read_bytes'
#            },
#            'cancelled_write_bytes' => {
#                'type' => 'DERIVE',
#                'label' => 'Cancelled write bytes'

# Open file and return contents.  If called in scalar context, return
# as one string.  If called in list context, return array of lines.
sub slurp {
    my $file = shift;
    open(my $fh, "<", $file) or return;
    my @content = <$fh>;
    return wantarray ? @content : join("", @content);

# Populate %procstats with values.
sub populate_stats
    my $i = -1;
    foreach (@procname) {
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"utime"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"stime"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"threads"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"vsize"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"rss"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"processes"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"voluntary_ctxt_switches"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"VmSize"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"VmRSS"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"VmData"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"VmStk"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"VmExe"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"VmLib"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"rchar"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"wchar"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"syscr"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"syscw"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"read_bytes"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"write_bytes"} = 0;
        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"cancelled_write_bytes"} = 0;
        my $procuid = getpwnam($procuser[$i]); # may return undef

        foreach my $line(`fgrep -h '($procname[$i])' /proc/[0-9]*/stat`) {
            my ($pid) = $line =~ /^(\d+)/;

            my $cmduid = (lstat("/proc/$pid"))[4];

            if ( $procargs[$i] ) {
              my $cmdline = slurp("/proc/$pid/cmdline") or next STATLINE;
              $cmdline =~ tr{\0}{ };

              next STATLINE if $procargs[$i] and $cmdline !~ /$procargs[$i]/;
            next STATLINE if defined $procuid and $cmduid != $procuid;

            if ($line =~ /^\d+ \(.*\) . \-?\d+ \-?\d+ \-?\d+ \-?\d+ \-?\d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ (\d+) (\d+) \d+ \d+ \-?\d+ \-?\d+ (\d+) \-?\d+ \d+ (\d+) (\d+)/) {
                $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"utime"} += $1;
                $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"stime"} += $2;
                $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"threads"} += $3;
                $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"vsize"} += $4;
                $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"rss"} += $5;
                $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{"processes"} += 1;
                foreach my $line (slurp("/proc/$pid/status")){
                    if ($line =~ /^(Vm.*):\s+(\d+) kB$/){
                        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{$1} += ($2*1024);
                    if ($line =~ /^(.*_ctxt_switches):\s+(\d+)$/){
                        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{$1} += $2;
                foreach my $line (slurp("/proc/$pid/io")){
                    if ( $line =~ /^(.*):\s+(\d+)$/ ) {
                        $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{$1} += $2;

# Bail-function.
sub usage
    if (@_) {
        print STDERR "@_" . "\n\n";
    print STDERR "Known arguments: config.\n";
    exit 1;

# Print the value of a two-dimensional hash if it exist.
# Returns false if non-existent.
# Output is formatted for plugins if arg4 is blank, otherwise arg4 is used
# as the title/name of the field (ie: arg4=graph_title).
sub print_if_exist
    my %values = %{$_[0]};
    my $value = $_[1];
    my $field = $_[2];
    my $title = "$value.$field";
    if (defined($_[3])) {
        $title = $_[3];
    if (defined($values{$value}{$field})) {
        if ( $field eq 'title'&& defined($_[4]) ) {
            print "$title $values{$value}{$field} '$proctitlec[$i]'\n";
        else {
            print "$title $values{$value}{$field}\n";
    } else {
        return 0;

# Walk through the relevant aspect and print all top-level configuration
# values and value-definitions.
sub get_config
    my $graph = $_[0];
    my $uniqname = $_[1];

    # Need to double-check since set_aspect only checks this if there
    # is no argument
    if (!defined($ASPECTS{$graph})) {
        usage "No such aspect ( $graph )";
    if ( $uniqname == -1 ) {
        print "multigraph proc_$graph\n";
        print "graph_category processes\n";
        foreach my $field (@graph_parameters) {
        print "\n";

        if ( $graph eq 'cpu' ) {
            $i = 0;
            foreach (@procname) {
                print "$procuniq[$i].label $proctitlec[$i]\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].type DERIVE\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].info System + User CPU-time.\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].min 0\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].draw LINE2\n";
        if ( $graph eq 'ctxt_switches' ) {
            $i = 0;
            foreach (@procname) {
                print "$procuniq[$i].label $proctitlec[$i]\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].type DERIVE\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].info Voluntary + Nonvoluntary context switches.\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].min 0\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].draw LINE2\n";
        if ( $graph eq 'threads' ) {
            $i = 0;
            foreach (@procname) {
                print "$procuniq[$i].label $proctitlec[$i]\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].type GAUGE\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].info Threads.\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].min 0\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].draw LINE2\n";
        if ( $graph eq 'processes' ) {
            $i = 0;
            foreach (@procname) {
                print "$procuniq[$i].label $proctitlec[$i]\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].type GAUGE\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].info Processes.\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].min 0\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].draw LINE2\n";
        if ( $graph eq 'memory' ) {
            $i = 0;
            foreach (@procname) {
                print "$procuniq[$i].label $proctitlec[$i]\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].type GAUGE\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].info Resident memory.\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].min 0\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i].draw LINE2\n";
        if ( $graph eq 'io' ) {
            $i = 0;
            foreach (@procname) {
                print "$procuniq[$i]_rchar.label $proctitlec[$i]\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i]_rchar.type DERIVE\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i] writes.\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i]_rchar.min 0\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i]_rchar.graph no\n";
#                print "$procuniq[$i]_rchar.draw LINE2\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i]_wchar.label $proctitlec[$i]\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i]_wchar.type DERIVE\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i] Resident memory.\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i]_wchar.min 0\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i]_wchar.draw LINE2\n";
                print "$procuniq[$i]_wchar.negative $procuniq[$i]_rchar\n";

        print "\n";


    print "multigraph proc_$graph.$uniqname\n";
    my %values = %{$ASPECTS{$graph}{'values'}};

    print "graph_category processes\n";
    foreach my $field (@graph_parameters) {
    print "\n";
    foreach my $value (sort keys %values) {
        # Need either RPN definition or a procstats value.
        if (!defined($procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{$value}) &&
            !defined($values{$value}{'rpn'})) {
                if ($DEBUG) {
                    print "ERROR: $value not part of procstats.\n"

        if (!print_if_exist(\%values,$value,'label')) {
            print "$value.label ".$ASPECTS{$graph}{'values'}{$value}{'label'}."\n";
        foreach my $field (@field_parameters) {
    print "\n";

# Set the run
sub set_run
    my $i = 0;
    foreach(@procname) {
        $proctitlec[$i] = "$procname[$i]";
        $procuniq[$i] = clean_fieldname("$procname[$i]");
        if (length($procargs[$i]) > 0 ) {
            $proctitlec[$i] = "$proctitlec[$i] $procargs[$i]";
            $procuniq[$i] = $procuniq[$i]."_".clean_fieldname($procargs[$i]);
        if (length($procuser[$i]) > 0 ) {
            $proctitlec[$i] = "$proctitlec[$i] by $procuser[$i]";
            $procuniq[$i] = $procuniq[$i]."___".clean_fieldname($procuser[$i]);
        $procuniq[$i] = clean_fieldname($procuniq[$i]);

# Read and verify the aspect ($self).
sub set_aspect
    $self = $0;
    $self =~ s/^.*proc_//;
    if (!defined($ASPECTS{$self}) && @ARGV == 0) {
        usage "No such aspect";

# Handle arguments (config)
# Populate stats for config is necessary
sub check_args
    if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '') {
        shift @ARGV;
    if (@ARGV == 1) {
        if ($ARGV[0] eq "config") {
            foreach(@procaspect) {
                my $asp = $_;
            $i = 0;
                foreach (@procname) {
            exit 0;
        } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") {
            if (-r "/proc/self/cmdline") {
                print "yes\n";
            } else {
                print "no (failed to access 'cmdline' for process below /proc/)\n";
            exit 0;
        } else {
            usage "Unknown argument";

# Braindead RPN: +,-,/,* will pop two items from @stack, and perform
# the relevant operation on the items. If the item in the array isn't one
# of the 4 basic math operations, a value from procstats is pushed on to
# the stack. IE: 'client_req','client_conn','/' will leave the value of
# "client_req/client_conn" on the stack.
# If only one item is left on the stack, it is printed. Otherwise, an error
# message is printed.
sub rpn
    my @stack;
    my $left;
    my $right;
    foreach my $item (@{$_[0]}) {
        if ($item eq "+") {
            $right = pop(@stack);
            $left = pop(@stack);
        } elsif ($item eq "-") {
            $right = pop(@stack);
            $left = pop(@stack);
        } elsif ($item eq "/") {
            $right = pop(@stack);
            $left = pop(@stack);
        } elsif ($item eq "*") {
            $right = pop(@stack);
            $left = pop(@stack);
        } else {
    if (@stack > 1)
        print STDERR "RPN error: Stack has more than one item left.\n";
        print STDERR "@stack\n";
        exit 255;
    print "@stack";
    print "\n";

# Execution starts here        #


# We only get here if we're supposed to.

# Walks through the relevant values and either prints the procstat, or
# if the 'rpn' variable is set, calls rpn() to execute ... the rpn.

foreach (@procaspect) {
    my $asp = $_;
    $i = 0;
    print "multigraph proc_$asp\n";
    foreach (@procname) {
        if ( $asp eq 'cpu' ) {
            print "$procuniq[$i].value " .
                  ($procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{'utime'} +
        if ( $asp eq 'ctxt_switches' ) {
            print "$procuniq[$i].value " .
                  ($procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{'voluntary_ctxt_switches'} +
        if ( $asp eq 'threads' ) {
            print "$procuniq[$i].value $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{'threads'}\n";
        if ( $asp eq 'processes' ) {
            print "$procuniq[$i].value $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{'processes'}\n";
        if ( $asp eq 'memory' ) {
            print "$procuniq[$i].value $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{'VmRSS'}\n";
        if ( $asp eq 'io' ) {
            print "$procuniq[$i]_rchar.value $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{'rchar'}\n";
            print "$procuniq[$i]_wchar.value $procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{'wchar'}\n";
    print "\n";
    $i = 0;
    # Print the individual graph statistics
    foreach (@procname) {
        print "multigraph proc_$asp.$procuniq[$i]\n";
        foreach my $value (sort keys %{$ASPECTS{$asp}{'values'}}) {
            if (defined($ASPECTS{$asp}{'values'}{$value}{'rpn'})) {
                print "$value.value ";
            } else {
                print "$value.value ";
                if (!defined($procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{$value})) {
                    print "0\n";
                print "$procstats{$procuniq[$i]}{$value}\n";
        print "\n";